Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay about Classical Management Theories - 1523 Words

Successful management requires an understanding of the fundamental concepts of effective management techniques and principles. In order to gain such insight, and manage effectively and efficiently, managers must develop an awareness of past management principles, models and theories. From the turn of the 20th Century, the need for a formal management theory was growing evident; organisations required a system to guide managers in an attempt to improve productivity and efficiency of workers. This urgency for a theory saw the development of six major management approaches, the focus of this essay will be on two of the classical management theories; the scientific management theory and the human relations movement. The contributions of both†¦show more content†¦(Mohanty and Sethi, 1996) The underlying assumption of the Scientific Management Theory, according to Dwyer (2005) is that Human nature is machine-like and thoroughly rational, motivated by simple, uncomplicated economical needs. In 1924, a series of studies were conducted in an attempt to determine the effect that lighting had on the productivity of a worker. These studies were later known as the Hawthorne Studies. The studies, which were fronted by Elton Mayo, provided new insights into individual and group behaviour, and found that social norms or group standards were the major determinants of workers behaviour. (Robbins et al., 2006). It is from the Hawthorne Studies that the Human Relations Movement stemmed, and this theory holds a philosophy that a managers concern for workers will lead to their increased satisfaction and improved performance. (Dwyer, 2005) The names associated with this movement include; Dale Carnegie, Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor. The main characteristics of the Human Relations Movement included; a scientific approach to the analysis of human behaviour, concern for the well-being of workers, attention to interpersonal relationships, and a view of the worker as a significant v ariable. (Mohanty and Sethi, 1996) The Human Relations Movement contradicted many of the major suppositions of the Scientific Management Theory. Scientific Management focused on the use of exactShow MoreRelatedClassical Theory And Classical Management Theory1454 Words   |  6 PagesClassical Management Theory originated in the late 19th century however it became widely popular in the first half of the 20th century. During this period, business and organizations were trying to solve issues such as reducing costs, worker relations, and increase productivity and efficiency. Additionally, many businesses and organization found themselves trying to deal with employees who did not speak English. You can say this theory came about as a means to try and find the â€Å"best† solution orRead MoreClassical Management Theory And The Classical Theory1503 Words   |  7 PagesThe Classical Management Theory entered the business world in the early nineteenth century, with an emphasis o n increasing worker productivity. Developed by Frederick Taylor, the classical theory of management advocated a scientific study of tasks and the workers responsible for them. It was the foundation of many modern management theories and it aimed to improve operations within an organization. The Classical Management Theory was broken into three schools of thinking: Scientific management, whichRead MoreClassical Management Theories1568 Words   |  7 PagesSuccessful management requires an understanding of the fundamental concepts of effective management techniques and principles. In order to gain such insight, and manage effectively and efficiently, managers must develop an awareness of past management principles, models and theories. From the turn of the 20th Century, the need for a formal management theory was growing evident; organisations required a system to guide managers in an attempt to improve productivity and efficiency of workers. ThisRead MoreThe Classical Theory Of Mana gement2103 Words   |  9 PagesThe Classical Theory of Management During the 1700’s -1800’s a systematic thought process for an established American government battled between Jeffersonianism and Hamiltonianism. The Jeffersonian argued a weak federal government and strong state and local governments, on the grounds that lower-level government will be more responsive than the national government to the popular will. The Jeffersonian also argued that the American economy should rely more on agriculture than on industry and seesRead MoreThe Classical Theory Of Management Theory1588 Words   |  7 Pages The Classical Management theory entered the business world in the early nineteenth century, with a goal on increasing worker productivity. Developed by Frederick Taylor, the classical theory of management advocated a scientific study of jobs and the workers in charge for them. It was the foundation of modern management theories and it aimed to improve operations within an organization. (Robbins Cutler, 2014). The Classical Management T heory was broken into three categories: Scientific ManagementRead MoreClassical Management Theory1529 Words   |  7 PagesClassical management theory, for all it’s rationality and potential to improve efficiency, dehumanised the practice of management (Inkson Kolb, 2001). Choosing either bureaucracy or scientific management, discuss this quote and argue whether modern business’ continues to dehumanise. People’s conception of the nature of work and the social relationships between individuals in various levels in organizations changed, brought by the industrial revolution of the late 1800s. Classical managementRead MoreThe Classical Theory Of Management Essay3683 Words   |  15 Pages1 ï  ¶ Classical theory: The Organizations use quality administration frameworks to enhance the effectiveness of their procedures and systems, which can help build peacefulness. Complete Quality Management frameworks utilize a mixture of apparatuses and speculations to enable workers, construct a group climate and concentrate on the voice of the client to convey quality items on time to the customers which can make better and proper formula of work. There is some categorize of classical theory suchRead MoreTheories of Classical Management563 Words   |  2 PagesThe classical approach were established and carried out in the early 1900centyry. Group of technician, manager and scientist came up with idea in order to reduce industrial dispute. They are Frederick Taylor-the theory of scientific management, Max Weber- theory of bureaucracy, and Henri Fayol – theory of classical management. Most of them theories were based on the principal for a comprehensive theory of management. Now I am going to discuss about perspective view of each theories. Frederick TaylorRead MoreClassical Theory : Theory Of Management Essay9754 Words   |  40 Pages1: Classical Theory: The traditional point of view underscores managing work and the need to run company beneficially. The viewpoint is called established in light of the fact the first works and commitments that include the canter of cutting edge administration hypothesis. There are three types of management in classical theory Scientific management, Administrative management and Bureaucratic management. Scientific management: †¢ Scientific Management, called Taylorism, it is a theory of managementRead MoreClassical Theory And Scientific Management Theory1767 Words   |  8 Pagescentury, classical management theory was proposed. This classical management theory maintains labours’ high level specialization, centralized decision making, as well as maximize profit. ( ) The main two thoughts of classical theory are bureaucracy and scientific management. Nowadays some people argue that the classical management theory is no longer suitable for modern world and they are outmoded because of the business environment has changed. This management theory is not

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Ethics and Compliance Free Essays

Ethics and Compliance Fabian Marrero, Kevin Martinez FIN/370 March 9, 2013 Norberto Molina Perez Ethics and Compliance In this paper we will as a team: Assess the role of ethics and compliance in your organization’s financial environment. Describe procedures your organization has in place to ensure ethical behavior. Explain how financial markets work in the United States. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics and Compliance or any similar topic only for you Order Now Identify processes the organization uses to comply with SEC regulations. Evaluate your organization’s financial performance during the past 2 years, using financial ratios. Calculate the ratios for each year: Current, Debt, Return on equity Discuss the trend for each ratio and what it tells you about the organization’s financial health. The business code and ethics code at the company Lowe’s stores begins with the board of director’s right through to the newest of workers. The requirement to read and follow the code of conduct is vital for all who are associated or represented by the company. Compliance with governmental regulations involving ethics is valued by Lowe’s and held strong. The application of ethics financially, under section B of the code of conducts states: â€Å"employees and members of their immediate families should not have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in any organization that is or is seeking to be a supplier of merchandise or other property or services to the company† (Lowe’s, 2012). Areas of importance that are also covered in the codes pertaining to financial concerns are â€Å"payments to governmental officials or other persons, the importance of accurate books and records along with adhering to internal controls to financial reporting, protection, and proper use of company assets, public company reporting, and insider trading according to the code of conduct. † (Lowe’s, 2012). The possession of information or knowledge of a transaction or attempted transaction must be informed to the employee’s direct supervisor. There is a strong encouragement towards employees to utilize the business’s open door policy or simply by using the website at www. ethicspoint. com (Lowe’s, 2012). Any situations involving any executive officers such as principal executive officers, financial officers, are concern given charge to the general counsel and chief compliance officer. Zero tolerance is given for any retaliation towards any individual that goes against the reporting of any violations of the conduct codes. The ability of the exchange of previously issued financial assets from individuals to businesses is the main purpose of the financial markets in the U. S. The actual structure brings borrowers, investors, and intermediaries that put together the financial institutions and markets that put both together as a whole. Finance companies, insurance, investment companies, investment banks, are some of the organizations that can compromise the marketplace. The majority of the time individuals deal with commercial banks on a daily basis. The recession of 2008 what greatly due to some non bank intermediaries that made a great number of citizens remove their funds from financial marketplaces. Securities play a significant role in the marketplace in addition to these organizations. These markets are made up of primary and secondary markets. The primary markets are made up of new securities so firms may utilize them to raise capital to assist with financing. The transference of previously issued securities that investors move within each other is secondary markets. Securities can consist of common stock, preferred stock, equity, and debt securities. Finally, financial markets provide the money necessary by companies and individuals and create links between investors and corporations. Because of the stock market crash of 1929 the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission was created. S. E. C. mission is to regain the confidence in investors in capital market by issuing information that is reliable with honest and clear rules. Under this commission any publically traded entity must disclose their financial information by law. This allows the investor the information necessary about selling, buying or even holding a specific security. Under the SEC regulations, publically traded organizations must disclose their financial information. This information provides investors common knowledge about buying, selling or holding a particular security. Last but not least, â€Å"the S. E. C. s primary responsibilities are to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation† (U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2012). Lowe’s has been a publicly held company since October 10, 1961. Lowe’s list’s on the New York Stock Exchange with shares trading under the symbol LOW. The New York Stock Exchange is the largest financial industry brands in the world. Membership with the NYSE has made one regarded as a valuable property since 1868. In April 2006, the NYSE went both electronic and public that the exchange was a membership-only organizationâ €  (New York Stock Exchange, 2012). Since Lowe’s is a publically traded entity, it must file reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Some important documents such as, Annual reports, quarterly, current and any other reports necessary for the S. E. C. to properly evaluate the business and its use for investors. Financial reports must have accuracy and be in full compliance with the regulations of the SEC. Finance statements together with the independent registered accounting firm by the name of â€Å"Deloitte and Touche LLP† show that this practice â€Å"acknowledges adequate internal control over financial reporting as defined in Rule 13a-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934† (Lowe’s 2012). This basically means that this firm is agreeing to give their full assurance to the company that their finance reporting will be reliable and will present accurate financial statements for publishing. Reports to the SEC are as follows: Balance sheets, consolidated statements, statements of cash flows, notes to consolidated financial statements, statements of earnings. Serious violations from organizations of misleading information, fraudulent accounting practices, and even insider trading can cause SEC to use civil enforcement against a business for security law violation. EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system) is a automated collection and validation system that by law is required to file forms. â€Å"The primary purpose of EDGAR is to increase the efficiency and fairness of the securities market for the benefit of investors, corporations, and the economy by accelerating the receipt, acceptance, dissemination, and analysis of time-sensitive corporate information filed with the agency† according to the (U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2012). Historical ratios in comparison to a business’s current period ratios to determine if a firm’s financial status is growing or in deterioration. Ratios illustrate a company’s performance and current ratios permit a company’s liquidity by putting in comparison current assets and current liabilities. Measurement of debt ratio shows the amount of assets financed by borrowing. The rate of return earned by common shareholders’ in the firm is known as return on equity, and finally accounts receivable turnover ratio shows the amount of times that it rolls over throughout the year. Throughout 2010 the economy was demonstrating sings of recuperation, but increasing rates of unemployment were visible in the home improvement industry. A decline in the value of property, tight credit for consumers, and disposable income was slow to grow. Illustrations below show the continued growth in the business. Growth and stability and above all, growth in the long run show that Lowe’s has expectations to maintain a flow of cash throughout the next few years. Financial Performance of Lowe’s: Current Ratio | Debt Ratio | 2010 | 2010 | 3005000 = 2. 37 times | 13936000 = 42. 2% | 13936000 | 33005000 | | | 2011 | 2011 | 33699000 = 2. 16 times | 15587000 = 46. 3% | 15587000 | 33699000 | Return on Equity | 2010 | | 1783000 x 4815 x __1__4818 3300500 1-0. 42 | 36. 53 x 0. 0015 x 1. 72 = 9. 4% | | 2011 | | 2010000 x __50208__ x ___1___50208 33699000 1-0. 463 | 40. 03 x 0. 0015 x 1. 86 = 11. 2% | Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio 2010 | 2011 | 32250000___ = 0. 42 days | 34790000___ = 0. 49 days | 208000/365 days | 193000/365 days | | | To finalize the company we have chosen continues to follow its ethical behavior tradition within the home improvement world. The business will keep with updating codes of ethics as the demand for the best environment for customers is what they strive for. SEC assures that Lowe’s continues to follow old and new regulations always. The financial performance is visible proof of their continued effort for improvement. With the information given we can clearly see that Lowe’s will keep in the home improvement industry as one of the major players in the years to follow. References Lowe’s. (2012). Investor Relations. Retrieved from http://phx. corporate-ir. net/phoenix. zhtml? c=95223p=irol-IRHome Lowe’s. (2012). Lowe’s 10-k annual report. Retrieved http://phx. corporate-ir. net/phoenix. zhtml? c=95223p=irol-reportsannual New York Stock Exchange. (2012). History. Retrieved from http://nyse. nyx. com/history U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2012). What we do. Retrieved from http://www. sec. gov/about/whatwedo. shtml How to cite Ethics and Compliance, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

In this study, I investigate the affects that runn Essay Example For Students

In this study, I investigate the affects that runn Essay ing has on reducing the risk of some healthproblems. I am doing this because I run about 40 to 60 miles per week, and my family has a history of health problems. For instance, my grandfather suffered a heart attack, and he also hadcancer when he was about the age of 50. Furthermore, my grandfather, on my dads side of thefamily, has also had triple bi-pass heart surgery from a heart attack he has had recently. Here, I present information from some sources that talk about the affects that runninghas on reducing health risks. My sources agree that running, and some other aerobic exercises,reduce the risk of: Diabetes, diverticular disease, heart decease, several types of cancer, andeven common sicknesses like a cold. One source agrees that running reduces the risk of diabetes. Jim Harmon writes, inSports Illustrated, about Bruce Leonard, a marathoner with a masters degree in public health. Bruce Leonard went to study the Zuni Indian tribe. This tribe has had a bad history of diabetesuntil they started to run. Leonard said, After the Zuni tribe started running, many Zuni were ableto reduce or eliminate their diabetes medication.(5) My research also reveled that diverticular disease can be reduced in men that run. Forinstance, Marty Munson and Teresa Yeykal writes in the article Outrun trouble which says, guyswho racked up the most ours doing vigorous exercise reduced their risks of diverticul ar deceaseby a third.(38) They also say its good advice to make your lifestyle to consume high fiber.(38)I found that running can also reduce the risk of heart disease. The article Run for your life talksabout Mitchell H. Whaley, the director of adult physical fitness program at Ball State University. Heanalyzed data collected from a group of men, which included runners. Mitchell Whaley found thatindividuals with low aerobic capacity have a higher risk of developing premature coronary arterydecease that those who were more fit.(47) The article also talks about Martha L. Slattery, Ph.D.,from the University of Utah Medical School. Maria Slattery also found that running is a goodpreventive measure for heart disease. She says, The greatest increase in protection was betweenthose men who were sedentary and those who had some activity.(48)Another source I found says that running can help prevent many types of cancer. In thearticle Running for your life, Doctor Leonard Cohen talks about ho w running helps reduce colon,breast, cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancer. Cohen says A growing body of evidence suggestthat physical activity reduces the risk of cancer, particularly colon and breast cancer.(23)Overall, my sources state that even though running isnt a cure, it is definitely apreventive measure for many health problems. They all agree that running can do no harm, andthere are many positive aspects. After doing this research, I am going to continue running or atleast some king of aerobic exercise, hoping that it will prevent me from following in mygrandparents footsteps.

Friday, November 29, 2019

8 Requisitos Esenciales del Matrimonio para Inmigración

8 Requisitos Esenciales del Matrimonio para Inmigracià ³n Es bien sabido que tanto los ciudadanos americanos como los residentes permanentes legales pueden pedir para sus esposos una tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como la green card. Y esto aplica tanto a los matrimonios entre una mujer y un varà ³n como a los de dos personas del mismo sexo. Adems, el matrimonio  una de las formas ms rpidas de obtener la residencia, si bien es ms rpido en el caso de peticiones cursadas por ciudadanos que las solicitadas por residentes. Pero para que esta tramitacià ³n migratoria llegue a buen puerto, Inmigracià ³n establece que necesario  que el matrimonio cumpla con una seria de caracterà ­sticas. En este artà ­culo se explican cules son los requisitos que debe cumplir el matrimonio para inmigracià ³n y tambià ©n cules pueden ser los problemas que dan lugar a la negacià ³n de la green card. Y es que el matrimonio por sà ­ solo no garantiza la obtencià ³n de la residencia. Para empezar, cuatro requisitos que aplican a todos los matrimonios, sin importar el lugar de celebracià ³n. A continuacià ³n se explican otros cuatro requisitios que deben cumplir cuando el matrimonio tiene lugar en Estados Unidos o uno de sus territorios, como por ejemplo, Puerto Rico. 4 requisitos delmatrimonio para Inmigracià ³n sin importar lugar de celebracià ³n Para que las autoridades migratorias aprueben una tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio, à ©ste debe cumplir los siguientes ​cuatro  requisitos: En primer lugar, legalidad. El matrimonio tiene que  tener validez en el lugar de su celebracià ³n, adems, tiene que poder obtenerse un documento oficial en el que consta su celebracià ³n.  Son vlidos tanto los religiosos como los civiles y cualquier otra fà ³rmula que sea aceptada como vlida en la localidad en la el casorio tuvo lugar.​ En segundo lugar, debe ser de buena fe. Lo que tambià ©n se conoce con el nombre de bona fide. Esto es, que se trata de un matrimonio de verdad, no uno que se ha celebrado con el objetivo de que uno de los contrayentes pueda sacar los papeles para la residencia permanente.  Los matrimonios falsos son perseguidos por el Servicio de Ciudadanà ­a e Inmigracià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s).  Los castigos pueden ser severos.   En tercer lugar, es necesaria la presencia en la boda. Ambas partes conyugales deben estar presentes. Es decir, como regla general no se admiten los matrimonios por poder. Si este es tu caso, debers probar que despuà ©s del casorio ha habido una consumacià ³n de la relacià ³n (ha habido sexo entre los esposos). En cuarto lugar, se exige solterà ­a. Hay que ser soltero o divorciado o ser viudo o haber obtenido la anulacià ³n de un matrimonio anterior. No se admite ni la bigamia ni la poligamia. 4 requisitos adicionales si el matrimonio se celebra en Estados Unidos Las bodas y sus requisitos son un asunto regulado por cada estado. Esto quiere decir que tienes que cumplir con las leyes del lugar en el que celebra.  Debes tener en cuenta estos 4 requisitos: 1. Residencia. En algunos estados debers residir en el estado por un nà ºmero de dà ­as para poder casarte. En otros no. Esto quiere decir que puedes casarte legalmente en algunos estados en los que no vives, pero en otros no ser posible. Lo importante es que una vez que se celebra el matrimonio en EEUU respetando las leyes estatales del lugar ser reconocido por todos los estados y, lo ms importante para inmigracià ³n, por el gobierno federal. 2. Edad. Si tienes 18 aà ±os, puedes contraer matrimonio libremente. Si eres ms joven debers verificar las leyes de tu estado. En muchos es posible casarse con 16, pero en otros ser preciso el consentimiento de los padres. Para edades ms jà ³venes siempre se va a necesitar dicho consentimiento e incluso en algunos estados el de un juez. 3. Parentesco. Si te quieres casar con un primo carnal (en primer grado) debers comprobar las leyes locales, ya que aproximadamente la mitad de los estados lo prohà ­be o establece serias limitaciones de edad requiriendo que los novios hayan dejado atrs la edad de procrear. 4. Common law. En algunos estados se considera matrimonio cuando dos personas se ponen de acuerdo en vivir juntas y proclamarse pà ºblicamente como esposos. Esto es posible si vives en Alabama, Carolina del Sur, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Oklahoma, Pensilvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah y el Distrito de Columbia. Si este es tu caso antes de presentar los papeles habla con un abogado de inmigracià ³n o consulta directamente con el USCIS, lo que puedes hacer con el servicio de INFOPASS. Por supuesto que los matrimonios celebrados en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico son reconocidos por las autoridades de inmigracià ³n a todos los efectos migratorios. 6 problemas que pueden surgir en la tramitacià ³n de la residencia por matrimonio A pesar de estar casado legalmente y de  buena fe con un ciudadano estadounidense o un residente permanente legal puede darse el caso de que las autoridades migratorias no aprueben para el cà ³nyuge pedido la green card, o la visa de inmigrante si est en el extranjero. Las razones pueden ser varias, destacando las siguientes: 1. Que la persona que presenta la peticià ³n, es decir, el ciudadano o el residente, haya sido condenado por un delito que impide solicitar los papeles para un familiar segà ºn la ley Adam Walsh.   2. Que la persona que presenta la peticià ³n no tenga los recursos econà ³micos que pide la ley para poder patrocinar a un familiar. Este tema es particularmente problemtico cuando se trata de un ciudadano americano que lleva tiempo viviendo en otro paà ­s y desea regresarse a los Estados Unidos acompaà ±ado de su cà ³nyuge. En todo caso, tener presente que si se carecen de medios econà ³micos la ley permite buscar co-patrocinador para firmar la declaracià ³n de sostenimiento (affidavit of support). 3. Que el matrimonio sea considerado falso por Inmigracià ³n. Tener en cuenta que es posible la denuncia anà ³nima de matrimonios de conveniencia. 4. Que la persona que presenta la peticià ³n decide ponerle fin durante su tramitacià ³n. 5. Que se produce un divorcio. Esto podrà ­a  ser especialmente problemtico en los casos de residencias permanentes concedidas condicionalmente por un periodo de dos aà ±os, pero no es el à ºnico caso. 6. Que la persona extranjera para la que se piden los papeles sea inadmisible. Es decir, que la residencia se deniegue por una de estas 42 causas. En este punto hay que tener en cuenta que el problema surge al final de la tramitacià ³n. Es decir, se obtiene la aprobacià ³n de la primera gestià ³n, que es el formulario I-130, pero al final Inmigracià ³n dice no. En este apartado de considerar al extranjero como inadmisible destacar dos casos, aunque no son los à ºnicos. En primer lugar, si se ha ingresado a los Estados Unidos con visa K-1 de prometido de ciudadano americano, es necesario casarse con la persona que realizà ³ la peticià ³n. No es posible casarse con otra distinta. Esto solo da lugar a problemas y muy serios.   En segundo lugar, el problema que surge cuando el extranjero pedido est ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos. Si se encuentra en la actualidad como indocumentado decir que si se casa con un residente permanente no podr arreglar los papeles por esa causa, porque no puede ajustar su estatus. P​or el contrario, si  se casa con un ciudadano americano hay una gran diferencia entre las personas que ingresaron a los Estados Unidos legalmente y que sà ­ pueden ajustar su estatus y aquellos que cruzaron ilegalmente, que no pueden hacerlo. Las personas en esta à ºltima situacià ³n tienen que salir de los Estados Unidos para ir a travà ©s de un procedimiento consular y ahà ­ probablemente surjan los problemas y tengan que esperar fuera por mucho tiempo.   Otra posible opcià ³n es el Parole in Place, pero en este caso el migrante indocumentado que ingresà ³ ilegalmente tendrà ­a que estar casado con un ciudadano que est en el Ejà ©rcito o es veterano.Por eso consultar con un abogado reputado para ver cules son las opciones. Verificar tambià ©n si es posible calificar para recibir la waiver provisional por dureza extrema, que se recibe antes de salir de los Estados Unidos. Por à ºltimo, los extranjeros que han estado ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos y ahora estn fuera del paà ­s estn sujetos, salvo excepciones, al castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os  aunque tengan una peticià ³n realizada por un cà ³nyuge. Aunque en algunos casos es posible pedir una waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n o permiso, lo cierto es que no aplica a todos y hay que cumplir requisitos muy serios. En otras palabras, hay que tener muy claro en el caso de ser migrante indocumentado cundo se est en una situacià ³n que la ley permite ajustar el estatus por matrimonio y cundo no es posible. Es importante conocer la situacià ³n real, buscar buen consejo legal y evitar ser và ­ctimas de fraude por pate de personas sin escrà ºpulos que prometen arreglar los papeles a cambio de pagar una importante suma de dinero y por ley es imposible que se dà © lo que prometen. Test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la green card Este test resuelve importantes dudas e inquietudes comunes sobre la tarjeta de residencia. Se aconseja tomarlo. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Decimal Degrees Versus Minutes, Seconds

Decimal Degrees Versus Minutes, Seconds When you hear about metric measurements, usually you are bombarded with terms denoting length, height or volume, depending on your industry. Outside of formal schooling, you almost never hear about the geographical side of measurement - specifically, those ever-present invisible lines of latitude and longitude. This article will explore how some metrics are shown in geographical terms, who uses traditional Degrees/Minutes/Seconds, and what the future may hold.   A Brief History of U.S. Metrics Originating in France in the 1790s, the metric system (officially known as SI, short for Le Systeme International dUnites) grew in popularity due to increasing global commerce. Through trade with Europe, the U.S. awareness of metrics trickled into existence, eventually prompting Congress to permit its use in 1866. It was legal but voluntary. The first official legislation concerning metric conversion was passed by Congress in 1974, adding metrics to our elementary and secondary education curriculum. One year later (in 1975), Congress passed the Metric Conversion Act, declaring that the U.S. federal government should use metrics as its preferred measurement system, as evidenced by a box sitting in my cubicle whose labeling instructions tell of letters that must be 3.81cm (1.5 inches) high. The nutritional information on any package of food is also a good example, showing grams (instead of ounces) of fat, carbs, vitamins, etc. Ever since its beginnings, the U.S. government has striven to promote and stabilize metrication, with limited results: mostly those in the sciences, military, engineering, manufacturing and other technical fields use the metric system. The general public, however, continues to show comparatively overwhelming disinterest in adopting grams, litres, and meters over the traditional ounces, quarts, and feet. The United States is the only remaining industrialized country whose general population does not use metrics as its primary measurement system. Metrics and Geography Despite the average American laypersons apathy for metrics, those of us who use geographic coordinates on a daily basis see plenty of evidence that decimals are out in full force. On any given day Ill see a few handfuls of engineering site surveys (and sometimes other data) come across my desk, 98% of which have a decimal somewhere in the latitude or longitude. As technology has developed over the years, allowing more accurate measurements, the number of ways that we geography people get to read those coordinates has increased. The three most popular types of Lat/Lon displays are: Traditional degrees/minutes/seconds (D/M/S), usually with decimal secondsDegrees with decimal minutes, no secondsDecimal degrees, no minutes, no seconds Doing the Math No matter how you choose to display them, any converted coordinates will get you to the same point, basically - its simply a matter of preference. If you are one of those people who grew up learning only D/M/S like me, you might break into a cold sweat the first time you see the second or third decimal variations (bulleted above), if only from the memory of your high school algebra classes. But fear not, for there are a boatload of conversion programs and websites that will do the math for you. A majority of these sites convert between D/M/S and decimal degrees, leaving out the less popular but still available decimal minutes. There are other sites for those who dont mind/enjoy algebra, or who are naturally intrepid souls and simply wish to brave the longhand algebraic equations. If you are ready to break out the Texas Instruments calculator and go for it, you might try the Montana Natural Resource Information System, which shows conversion equation examples, but also has an automatic converter.   Finally Rubbing Off? Within the past few years, more and more Americans seem to be warming up to the concept and have begun using decimals in their everyday lives. Certainly, the growing number of metric labels on many foods, drinks, health care, cleaners and other various products are clear indicators that the average American consumer should probably start learning to accept decimal numbers. This goes for geography as well. GPS unit sales to the nonmilitary population are on the rise and most (if not all) GPS units display a location using decimals. One can expect hiking, boating, driving, or any other type of navigational information to be in this same format, no matter the scale, map projection, or elevation. As the rest of the world moves forward with metric standards, the United States government will most likely feel more pressure (especially from Europe) to go totally metric for global trading purposes. Once the population finally accepts that change is coming, decimal numbers will be even more abundant and it will filter down through every aspect of American industry. Don't Panic For those hikers, boaters, drivers, orienteering students, land surveyors and others who may be used to using only D/M/S, dont worry. The conversions are out there, and its easier than you think to get results from them. Latitude and longitude lines certainly arent going anywhere - well always have those to rely on - so for now, get ready and warm up that calculator! Len Morse earned a B.S. in Geography from Towson State University and has been with the FAA for approximately 14.61 years.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Safe Guarding Babies and Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Safe Guarding Babies and Children - Essay Example ld abuse. The object is to establish the moral responsibility of every individual in the child-care system and create awareness. The article focuses on factors on the agency and individual level that are deemed key to avert tragedies such as this from happening in the future. 1. Responsibilities of local authorities. 2. Multi Agency policies. 3. Valued judgement and effective communication. 4. Targeted and Specialized support. 5. Individual social worker’s responsibilities The article evaluates and explores the methods that can be employed to avoid the mistakes as ascertained by the Laming report. Responsibilities of local authorities: â€Å"Those who sit in judgement often do so with the great benefit of hindsight† (Lord Laming Report, 2003 Page 1. ... In this event the Local authorities outline all disciplinary and inter-agency policies to be implemented by the agencies. Research has shown that multiagency working is more pronounced during the early stages of the case while making enquiries and â€Å"less pronounced and apparent in implementing action plans† (Chahal and Coleman 2003, p.39). Agencies that handle the cases from the Local authorities work on the brief give to them. Therefore it is imperative that professionals from both Local and Agency levels communicate effectively. In Victoria Climbie’s case there was evidence that the front line staff that received her case were not kept up to date on the guidelines as outlined by the Children Act of 1989. The procedure books made available to them were not up to date on the guidelines to monitor and provide care for children who were undergoing abuse. This affects the judgement of the staff and the ability to recognize an emergency or sounding the alarm. A sense of lax amongst caseworkers and front line staff is also prevalent as social work and especially working with children is not seen as an attractive career option. This has been attributed to the callous treatment of social workers by the top executives. Most of the work that social workers put into their work goes unnoticed or unappreciated. London shows a 11 per cent vacancy rate nationally in these sectors while some boroughs show as much as 40 to 50 per cent (Dfes 2003, Every Child matters, The Challenge, p.22). Because of this most front line staff are not adequately qualified to handle such sensitive issues. It is important for agency heads to be qualified in the regulations of social work to be able to empathize with the staff handling the cases and appreciate the work and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Multiculturalism Promotes Social Segregation. Discuss Essay

Multiculturalism Promotes Social Segregation. Discuss - Essay Example The third part of the essay will look at the concept of multiculturalism in the context of Britain and France. The paper will try to rationally access the fact as to whether UK is truly a multicultural society and does multiculturalism has some measure of positive relevance for the British society. With respect to France, the paper will look into why the French give no consideration to the concept of multiculturalism and as to why they cherish and encourage citizenship over multiculturalism. As already said, the term multiculturalism has acquired a ubiquitous usage in current times; still the reality is that this term needs to be interpreted in relation to the context in which it is used. The most commonly held belief is that multiculturalism is about the celebration of diverse cultures and about accepting the varied values, social systems and ethnic backgrounds coexisting in a society. To put it simply, multiculturalism is primarily about respecting and accepting differences so as to facilitate social and cultural integration. Well, is this multiculturalism is all about, or is it a convenient term to sideline the segregation heaped on varied sections of a society. Most of the times, people and even experts shudder at the very idea dissecting the term multiculturalism probably fearing that it may give way to some kind of undesirable backlash. Thus, nobody ever dared to arrive at a realistic and viable definition of multiculturalism. However, there are some debates buildi ng up around the ideas of multiculturalism and diversity, the possible fall of multiculturalism, because of it being a pseudo system that promotes segregation, though on the surface it professes to respect cultural, religious and ethnic diversity. It is an attempt to understand multiculturalism as a cacophonous discourse that camouflages the invisibility and isolation existing in the multicultural societies. The report by Parekh (2000) interestingly discusses the concept of multiculturalism in both the British and French context. The central argument of Parekh is that though both the countries are multicultural in a simplistic sense of the word, there exists is a great difference as to the magnitude of acceptance for the concept of multiculturalism in both the nations. France does not acknowledge multiculturalism, but rather encourages and supports citizenship (Parekh 2000). France requires the citizens who are not familiar with the French culture and heritage, to educate themselves about them (Parekh 2000). It is somewhat akin to the German stance; when one considers the recent remarks by Merkel declaring that multiculturalism has failed and it’s time to face this fact. As per Merkel, the concept of multiculturalism was contrived to get people together, but instead it has separated them and has created conflicts amongst groups. Interestingly, Parekh (2000) evinces a great interest in the politics of multiculturalism. The recent political reforms are raising queries as to how varied interest groups tend to manipulate the concept of multiculturalism for their own political gains. The adherents of multiculturalism consider it to be essentially organic and solid, yet they do fail to see its practical implications. They only tend to do so when the conservatives put forth the arguments pertaining to the failure of multiculturalism. Though multiculturalism has to do with respect and humanity, still the truth is that

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium - Research Paper Example Science claims that these changes are due to genes which are present in our cells. In order to find out how these changes are made, scientists carry out various tests with the help of cells and genes ( 1). These tests are called genetic experiments. Many different tests in this regard are been carried out in order to enhance the study of genes. Science has modified and now they are even able to create a life in laboratory or even clone living things. Whether these kinds of tests and experiments should be done or not, is an altogether a very argumentative topic thus people across the world have different views regarding it where some believe that there is no harm in it on the other hand others believe it to be prohibited. The study discusses the three common and controversial experiments ahead (Lederberg 519) Creation of Human Life Dr. Craig Venter and his team conducted an experiment in which they created an entirely new chromosome with the help of non-natural DNA which was made from chemicals. They transmitted this DNA in to a cell and observed that it was multiplying giving a real life evidence of it to be alive. This experiment was questioned by various scientists and Professors of various fields.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Social identity and the inevitability of conflict groups

Social identity and the inevitability of conflict groups The topic of this essay is that the Social Identity Theory (SIT) suggests that prejudice and discrimination against out-group members and, as a result, conflict groups may be inevitable; that all that is needed to trigger in-group favouritism and out-group bias is an awareness that one belongs to a particular social group and that another group, of which one is not a member, exists. The SIT was conceived by Henri Tajfel and his student John Turner to amend and supplement Campbells Realistic Group Conflict Theory (Tajfel Turner, 1979). The aim of the SIT was to provide a base level understanding of peoples social identities apart from their individual identities, that is, how people identify with groups that they belong to, the assimilation of in-group ideals as their own, the positive bias toward those of the same in-group, and negative bias (prejudice) toward those who identify with out-groups. It also explained inter group behaviour and its social context and also social comparison. The SIT suggests that the more extremely a person is associated with an in-group, the more likely they are to treat members of out-groups as objects comprised of traits universal to members of their out-group, rather than individuals comprised of both group and unique traits. It points out that, especially in our culture, intergroup conflict and competition is commonplace and easy to trigger. There is also suggestion that in-group bias is a universal trait affecting all social groups. The momentum that helped forge this theory comes from Tajfels own personal history. Born in 1919 as a Polish Jew, Henri was called away from his studies in chemistry to fight with the French against the Nazis. A year later he was captured and survived by not allowing his captors to learn that he was a Jew (The Nazis most despised out-group). After the war, Henri returned home to find all his close relatives had been killed. After a time of helping the aftermath Henri studied psychology with a focus on social identity and group conflict such as he had seen during the war (Reicher). The personal life and times of Henri Tajfel shows some insight into social identity and conflict groups. Such as a young Henri heeding the call to fight the Germans with the French even though he was Polish, in the Second World War the Nazi war machine and its subsequent expansion resurfaced a rift between the Nazis and the rest of Europe that was present in the First World War, leading to two main conflict groups, the Nazis and the Allied Nations. As Tajfel was not a Nazi, He identified with the French (part of his in group) and fought along with them. At the time of his capture, Tajfel had to change a part of his social identity in order to survive. As Nazis were more likely to torture and kill Jews over other captive groups Tajfel had to make sure that his captors never learned that he was a Jew. To do this He had to identify as a non-Jew which to him was an out-group, this however required no alteration physical changes (Providing that he didnt have to expose himself to his capto rs) and psychologically, he was still himself. Tajfel succeeded and survived until the end of the war. This provides a good example of discrimination based on social grouping rather than individual attributes. To this many people would say that those were the war days and that violence and emotion ran high, so it was easy to see such discrimination and hostility as commonplace, but times have changed and we are no longer like that. And, to an extent, they are correct. Though even now in Europe, many still consider the Jews as a powerful, threatening group of social and national outsiders (Werner, 2008), and there is still anti-Semitic violence taking place in this older, wiser world. But still, time has moved on and Western atrocities such as the vast commonplace racism of the early to mid twentieth century has dissipated, though not completely. Much of this is due to changing media portrayals of minorities, with thanks to such trail blazers as Sidney Portier (first black actor to play a lead in a major motion picture), The Cosby Show (first non-stereotyped black sitcom), and even Star Trek (first interracial kiss on U.S. television). By allowing people to identify with minorities in the m edia without stereotyping, aggression toward minorities reduces (Muller, 2009). However lessened, racial discrepancies and violence still occurs in the western world today. It seems that all our attempts to abolish social discrimination and conflict in the past few decades has come a long way, and if you think of things such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the partite, and the advancement of gay rights, the yes we have. However, if you look at the rise of the Mugabe Regime, the US War on Terror and its subsequent effects on the Muslim population, and even the psudoracism toward the ginger (ging-er) population, then no we really havent. Also, most attempts to abolish group conflict have at best reduced conflict, not ended it out right so long as both groups remain in existence. It seems that intergroup conflict is unavoidable, as we put aside our old differences with one group, we just as quickly discover new differences with another group. Even here in New Zealand in-group bias and out-group prejudice is not only tolerated, it is applauded. Take this personal anecdote for example. In 2005 My best friend and I travelled to the city for my bachelor party. At this time the UK Lions rugby team was touring the country, playing against our All Blacks. Neither my friend nor I were rugby fans of any sort, but when we saw that an English pub was just down the street from where we were staying we decided to don any black clothing we had and go to the English pub to watch the game and give the Lions supporters a hard time. When we arrived we noticed that all the customers inside the pub were dressed in black to support the All Blacks, my friend and I looked around to see if there were any Lions supporters around and indeed we did find them. They had congregated outsi de in a caged off smokers area on the cold July night, watching a T.V. that was barely audible over the sound of traffic. When we asked them if they wouldnt prefer a table inside they responded that they were quite happy where they were. My friend and I returned to our table near the bar to watch the game. Though when a Lions supporter came in to get a refreshment, they were met by a call to go back where they belong or they were informed precisely how useless their team was. During half time, the smokers in the bar went to the smokers area occupied by the Lions fans and once again were insulted for their taste in rugby teams, among other things. The Lions lost the game and at full time the smokers returned to the smokers area to boats their mighty victory to the puny Lions Supporters. This example has a clear cut in-group and a quite literal out-group, the in-group, through force of numbers had dominance in the situation initially. But why, you may ask, did the in group members have to ridicule the out-group members at every available chance? The answer quite simply is self esteem, just as the school bully will put down the smart kids to make themselves feel better, social groups will often discriminate out-groups as a means of enhancing self esteem (Lemyre Smith, 1985). This is not the only example of socially acceptable, intergroup conflict in this country either. The ever continuing Holden versus Ford debate is ever popular and in this case the group conflict is media driven with multiple televised Holden versus Ford races occurring annually and a seemingly unending supply of supporter gear as well as derogatory supporter gear designed to insult and degrade your particular out-group. Some members of both groups can take extreme measures in this conflict, such as disallowing out-group vehicles to park on their property. Attribution has a role to play in social conflict as well. Say for instance a Holden crashes during the Bathurst 1000 race the Ford supporters will commonly believe the fault to be in the car or one of the many short comings of its driver (who obviously must not be bright to be driving a Holden in the first place). The Holden supporters, however, would more likely believe that some external cause (or perhaps a stupid Ford driver cut ting him off) was to blame. This is due to in-group bias causing people to make similar attributions to in group members as they do to themselves (De Cremer, 2000). So far all the examples have involves high levels of emotional attachment toward the in-group. So is it fair to say that in-group bias and out-group discrimination are a result of heightened emotional commitment toward the in-group? To answer this, many experiments have been conducted based on arbitrary groups designed solely for the purpose of the experiment and in most cases the participants are randomly assigned to groups so that there is no predetermined affiliation between group members. The group members are then given simple tasks and the experimenters are looking for signs for in-group bias and out-group discrimination. The results of studies like these has shown that such discrimination does indeed exist, even when the groups are arbitrary and the group assignment is random (Brewer Kramer, 1985) (Sachdev Bourhis, 1985) (Aviram, 2007). This shows that no emotional bond is requires at all for there to be discrimination between in-group and out-group members. All that is real ly required for there to be out-group prejudice is the knowledge that one is in a social group and that another group, an out-group, exists. Summary To summarize the discussion as it stands. The topic was to discuss the SIT and the notion that discrimination and prejudice toward out-groups and intergroup conflict is inevitable, also, that all that is needed for there to be such discrimination is the knowledge that both an in-group and an out-group exists. The personal history of Henri Tajfel and his life during the Second World War was discussed, pointing out the group conflicts and out-group prejudices present during that time. The discrimination of out-group members based on group affiliation rather than individual traits was pointed out. This historical account also gave some insight as to the motives behind the creation of the SIT. Then the role of media in the lessening of racial discrimination and conflict in recent decades was discussed, though it was pointed out that the amount of prejudice and conflict the media had affected had dissipated, it was never truly abolished. There was some discussion on the recent milestones toward intergroup peace globally and also the new found intergroup prejudice and conflict arising at the same time. The view of the discussion then moved to a New Zealand perspective starting with a personal anecdote of the national rugby obsession and the ethnocentric discrimination that arises from the organised conflict of the game itself. It was then discussed how the media and commercial marketing can also induce conflict and discrimination between groups with reference to the local Holden Versus Ford conflict. In this it was pointed out how in-group bias and out-group discrimination can influence the locus of attribution in the inference of others behaviour. Finally, experiments involving out-group discrimination in arbitrary groups of randomly assigned members was discussed, the results of which being in support with the notion that all that is required for there to be in-group bias and out-group discrimination is the knowledge that an in-group (to which one belongs) and an o ut-group (to which one does not belong) exists. The discussion as a whole utilised a combination of empirical research and real life examples to illustrate facts that validate the SIT and support the suggestions that it carries. The SIT provides a good base knowledge of social identity, social discrimination and conflict groups. However this does not make it the be all and end all of knowledge on this subject. With an ever evolving social climate and the development of new experimental techniques, the Sit is rather a solid foundation to which we can build a more profound understanding of the social world.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Free Trade Agreement and Its Affect on Canadian Business Essay

Free Trade Agreement and Its Affect on Canadian Business With the coming of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) there have been very serious implications for Canadian business and for that matter, Canada as a whole. Many aspects of the previous economic climate have changed such as the reduction or eliminatation of tariffs and the restrictions on subsidies to name only a few. There has been much heated debate on the pros and cons of this deal: whether Canada will prosper or become the 51st. American state. This paper will not take this approach to the issue of whether or not it is a wise agreement, but will look at what business can do to better itself with the existing FTA. If Canadian business is to survive and prosper in this radically changed North American and Global atmosphere of easier trading, then it must adapt. Some of the main areas that will have to be addressed is the need for more productive and efficient operations, a new focus by business on the new trading reality, and a change in policies by Government to enable Canada to function better with the FTA. The FTA stands to alter Canadian business which has grown rather relaxed and inefficient behind walls of tarrifs. While these may have initially spurred industry, they have after time encouraged complacency. With these rapidly disappearing walls, business will have to become "lean and mean" in order to compete in a very competitive global market. Looking at the present state of affairs our status in research and development (R&D), labour costs and expansion, there is much that must be done. Compared to the other industrialized western nations we lag far behind in nearly all areas. Take for example R&D. In 1990 Canada spe... ... Cameron, Duncan. The Free Trade Papers. James Lorimor & Company, Publishers, Toronto, 1986 The Canada and US FTA (Complete Doccument), External affairs Canada, Ottawa Laxer, James. Leap of Faith: Free Rade and the Future of Canada. Hurtig Publishers, Edmonton, 1986 The Case Against the Critics of Free Trade. John Miora. Finanical Post, Feb. 8, 1986 Brave New World. Marc Tait. Maclean's, Jan. 9, 1989 Firms going continental. Jennifer Sachsa. Globe and Mail, June 12, 1990 Roundtable: The Canada-US FTA. Fred Swift. Globe and Mail. August 12, 1988 End Notes 1 Firms going continental. Jennifer Sachsa. Globe and Mail, June 12, 1990 2 Brave New World. Marc Tait. Maclean's, Jan. 9, 1989 3 Firms going continental. Jenniger Sachsa. Globe and Mail, June 12, 1990 4 Roundtable: The Canada-US FTA. Fred Swift. Globe and Mail. August 12, 1988

Monday, November 11, 2019

An In-Depth Analysis of David Suzuki Essay

With a booming voice David Suzuki broadcasted to the world; â€Å"The human brain now holds the key to our future. We have to recall the image of the planet from outer space; a single entity in which air, water, and continents are interconnected. That is our home† (as cited in Huggan, 2008, p. 188). This quotation of Suzuki is very insightful to his personality as it displays the seriousness and passion that he places on protecting the environment and his belief that humans are the key to saving our planet. At the age of 76 he has many accomplishments: a vast and encompassing education, a 30-year broadcasting career, and developing a successful foundation. In order to achieve such success Suzuki had to be an effective leader, he did this through his confidence, locus of control, intelligence, Theory X leading and utilizing his personal power. Suzuki is an outstanding teacher; he attains this through being an exceptional leader. On March 24 in 1936 in the port city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Sestu and Kaoru gave birth to a beautiful baby boy: David Suzuki. It was unknown at the time what a monumental day this was for the world. In years to come, Suzuki would flourish to be a prominent activist and environmentalist. Suzuki’s growth into his leadership roll took years of education. In 1961 he completed a PhD in Zoology from the University of Chicago. Following his education he authored 52 books. Among these books was the famous textbook â€Å"Introduction to Genetic Analysis† which was published in 1976 (Huggan, 2008, p. 188). The textbook was so successful it was translated into seven other languages: Italian, Spanish, Greek, Indonesian, Arabic, French, and German. Alongside his writing career, Suzuki has also been a very successful broadcaster. He started on the television show Suzuki on Science, where he educated children on biological and environmental sciences. He continued to do radio shows as well as television. In 1979, Suzuki hosted the very popular television series The Nature of Things which was viewed in over 40 nations. Through this series Suzuki was able to bring light to a great number of serious issues and educate people on environmental concerns. In 1985 the hit series A Planet for the Taking averaged 1.8 million views per episode providing him with a large audience to warn the many flaws in society. Over the past thirty years of broadcasting, Suzuki has become a well know â€Å"Canadian campaigner and activist† (Huggan, 2008, p. 188). 2 Not only is Suzuki a successful writer and broadcaster, but in 1990 he launched the David Suzuki Foundation. His foundation is one of his most recognized humanitarian accomplishments. The mission of the foundation is to â€Å"protect the diversity of nature and humanity’s quality of life† (Huggan, 2008, p. 188). It is through the phenomenal work of this foundation that David Suzuki became â€Å"recognized as a world leader in sustainable ecology† (Huggan, 2008, p. 188). The foundation has had many projects focusing on climate change, health, wildlife and habitat, and fresh water. Suzuki is always expressive about his vision for his children and grandchildren’s worlds. Through the foundation, he is trying to create â€Å"sustainability with in a generation† (Marchant, 2008, p. 44). Suzuki wants everyone to take ownership for his or her actions and the effect they will have on the future. The theory that he preaches is that if we can make our own generation sustainable, and each generation does the same, then the world will flourish and all our descendants will have a future (Marchant, 2008, p. 44). The David Suzuki Foundation is still growing at an exponential rate 22 years after its conception. A leader can possess many qualities, traits, and styles. David Suzuki demonstrates successful leadership as he directs the public and his organization along the path of saving the environment. Of the nine traits of effective leadership, he clearly displays self-confidence, locus of control, integrity, and intelligence. Suzuki is a Theory X leader who uses personal power to influence his followers. Suzuki’s self-confidence is evident through his style of speech. Through his bold style and particular choice in words his â€Å"self assurance in [his] judgement† is evident (Lussier & Achua, 2011, p. 38). When asked about the future by Rothschild, he bravely stated that â€Å"if there are still human beings around, they’ll curse us for two things: nuclear weapons and TV† (2008, p. 53). His conviction and belief in the possibility of humans being extinct proves the confidence he has in his judgement of the destructive path the world is on. Suzuki’s assurance is also very evident when he refers to himself later in the interview as being part of the â€Å"most distinguished group of scientists† (as cited in Rothschild, 2008, p. 53). This is a very clear demonstration of his confidence. In a 2003 interview with David Leibl, Suzuki made the brash statement that â€Å"if we carry on it is going to get a hell of a lot worse† (p. 18). Through his word choice of ‘hell’, you can feel his pure conviction and strength behind his words. In all the speeches given by Suzuki his confidence seeps out of every word, this makes him an easy man to trust and follow. The traits of Suzuki’s locus of control and integrity are both very prominent by the way he takes ownership as a part of the environment’s degradation. When discussing the current climate he does not exclude himself from everyone but uses statements such as; â€Å"if we don’t make the right decisions now, we’re going to determine the future of humanity† (as cited in Rothschild, 2008, p. 53). In this statement, he includes both himself and the public as part of the problem. This demonstrates an internal locus of control by stating that people’s actions produce the future outcome. According to Lussier and Achua (2011), integrity is closely related to honesty (p. 39). When speaking with Leibl, Suzuki stated †Å"we depend on clean air, clean water, clean soil and clean energy† (2003, p. 18). This raw statement displays his honesty through its simplicity and lack of embellishment. By being clear and factual his sincerity and truthfulness is incredibly visible; this builds trust in his followers and allows Suzuki to be the effective leader that he is. In order to be a successful leader, one must be knowledgeable. The â€Å"cognitive ability to think critically† is Lussier and Achua’s definition of intelligence as it pertains to leadership (2011, p. 40). Suzuki is a great leader because his extensive education. As an academic, Suzuki comprehends the scientific world and all of its current research, however his intelligence extends beyond that and allows him to portray all that he learns in a straightforward way to the public. In discussion with Leibl, Suzuki states that â€Å"we’ve changed the biological and physical make up of the plant† (2003, p. 18). Through this simple sentence he was able to convey the severity of the research in a way everyone could understand. He is able to apply environmental science to real life problems and educate the public. Suzuki’s intelligence is also apparent through his frustration that the public â€Å"no longer thinks about the interconnectedness of everything† (as cited in Leibl, 2003, p. 18). As an environmentally conscience and intelligent figure, he considers all his choices and their effect on the bigger picture. Before getting into his car to drive to the store, Suzuki considers the ramifications then decides to ride his bicycle (Leibl, 2003, p. 18). Through his understanding of the scientific world and his ability to translate it to the public Suzuki’s intelligence is an essential asset to his leading capabilities. Suzuki leads with a slightly more traditional style. He has a â€Å"negative, pessimistic view† of his followers, which is Lussier and Achua’s definition of a Theory X leader (2011, p. 110). Suzuki’s little respect for others’ intelligence is evident by his exclamation that â€Å"limitless resources are a fools dream† after Marchant presented him with an economist’s prediction of space being a future resource (2008, p. 44). He then proceeded to explain his theory of preserving our current environment. His complete disregard for an alternative plan proves Suzuki’s feelings of superiority to his followers and need to micromanage the tasks. In another instant, Suzuki questions the scientific competency of Americans. He stated, â€Å"the fact that in America you’re still arguing over issues like intelligent design versus evolution is a sign of scientific illiteracy† (as cited in Rothschild, 2008, p. 53). Suzuki’s statement was both disrespectful and pessimistic toward the Americans. Suzuki is very progressive when attacking environmental issues, however his leading style reflects his age as he is a traditional Theory X leader. When leading, one must have influence over his or her followers. Suzuki uses personal power to control and motivate his followers. His authority derives from his persona, as â€Å"charismatic leaders have personal power† (Lussier & Achua, 2011, p 110). A typical tactic of influential speaking is to use repetition. When interviewed by Marchant, Suzuki said â€Å"let’s look ahead a generation. Let’s imagine a Canada where air is clean†¦.Let’s imagine a Canada covered in forest† (2008, p. 45). His speech was very charismatic through its positive uplifting nature, the repetition, as well as through the inclusive ‘let’s’. Another proven tactic of creating influence is to build community with your followers. When speaking with Rothschild, Suzuki claimed â€Å"I’m one person. I’m not going to save the world and change its direction. But if there are millions and millions of insignificant people like me †¦ there could be a irresistible force† (2008, p. 53). This declaration is very significant as is binds people through creating a mutual goal and builds momentum behind his cause. Through his use of repetition, community building, and uplifting word selection, Suzuki’s charisma is evident. With a deep routed passion, Suzuki tackles environmental issues though educating the public of the changes they must make. In his lifetime, he has achieved greatness through his extensive education, 30-year broadcasting career, and developing a thriving foundation. Suzuki excels as a leader because of his confidence, locus of control, intelligence, Theory X leading, and demonstrating hi s personal power. References Huggan, G. (2008). Suzuki on Suzuki. Canadian Literature, (197), 188-189. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Leibl, D. (2003). The Venerable David Suzuki. Canadian Dimension, 37(1), 18. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Lussier, R. N., & Achua, D. B. A. (2011). Leadership (Custom Edition). Toronto: Nelson Education. Marchant, J. (2008). Special beyond growth: Interview with David Suzuki. New Scientist, 199(2678), 44-45. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Rothschild, M. (2011). David Suzuki. Progressive, 74(12), 53-54. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Participative Leadership

Question Participative leadership style is always more effective than autocratic/directive leadership styles. Discuss. Executive Summary To say there has been an immense amount of research undertaken on the topic of leadership would be an understatement. The theoretical and empirical research on leadership in the workplace covers a diverse range of theory and there has been much critique and discussion of the theories to date. This paper review will discuss the path-goal leadership theory and it’s application in an organisational setting. The first part of the report will look at the evolution of this theory and the underpinning elements of each leadership style. The second part will compare participative and directive leadership styles using examples to illustrate the relevant use of each style and necessity for leaders to be able to use both or a combination of the two. Table of Contents Introduction p. 4 Path-Goal Leadership Theoryp. 4 Participative vs. Directive Leadershipp. 6 Practical Implicationsp. 8 Conclusion p. 9 Reference Listp. 10 Introduction For decades the study of leadership has been a focus in management, psychology and organisational behaviour with â€Å"over 35,000 research papers, articles and books written† on the topic in an attempt to define leadership and understand which style best drives effective leadership (Killian 2007). In 1974 Stogdill said, â€Å"there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are persons who have tried to define the concept† (Yukl 1989, p. 251). A statement that is relatively true even 37 years on with many approaches to leadership still emerging and continued debate and discussion around the existing theories. A modern and fairly recent definition of leadership explains it as â€Å"influencing, motivating and enabling others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organisations of which they are members† – a definition agreed upon by fifty four leadership experts from thirty eight countries (McShane, Olekalns & Travaglione 2010). With so much research dedicated to the subject of leadership there are a vast array of theories and associated leadership styles including but not limited to: * Trait Theories * Contingency Theories * Situational Theories Behavioural Theories * Transformational Theories Each has their own unique approach and perspectives on what constitutes an effective leader however for the purpose of this report the focus will be on the path-goal theory and the leadership styles it encompasses. Path-Goal Leadership Theory The path-goal approach to leadership is one of several contingency theories. The contingency perspective is built upon the not ion that leaders choose their style to suit the situation and this contemporary model has had much noteworthy critique and testing over the years. Defined as an â€Å"expectancy theory of motivation that relates several leadership styles to specific employee and situational contingencies† ((McShane, Olekalns & Travaglione 2010, p461), the theory suggests that a leader can have an influence on the performance, satisfaction and motivation of their subordinates which can be applied through all levels of an organisation. Evans and House first initiated support for the path-goal theory of leadership in the early 1970s following inconsistencies in the results of earlier research. A study by Evans (1970) of two organisations demonstrated a link between the behavior of leaders and the impact on the behavior and goal attainment of subordinates. In 1971 House presented a path-goal theory of leadership effectiveness derived from a path-goal theory of motivation, which posed a theory on the effects of leader behavior on subordinate satisfaction, motivation and performance. The study reconciled conflicting research that had previously been conducted on the topic and support of the hypothesis tested lead to further research and development of this theory. As illustrated below ((McShane, Olekalns & Travaglione 2010, p463) the performance and satisfaction outcome of subordinates is a result of three components – leader behavior, environmental factors and subordinate contingencies. According to the theory are there four clearly defined styles of leader behaviour (House & Mitchell 1974, House 1996): 1. Directive – the leader gives instructions about what, how & when tasks need to be completed and how performance will be measured. Ideal for ambiguous or non-routine tasks. 2. Supportive – leaders provide psychological and social support and go out of their way to make work pleasant for employees. Used in stressful situations that may be unsatisfying or frustrating. 3. Participative – the leader shares decision making with the team and encourages and takes their opinions and suggestions into account when making a decision. When team members are autonomous, need control and clarity and are heavily involved in their work this style can be used. 4. Achievement Oriented – behavior that is directed towards encouraging employees to achieve their peak performance through challenging goals. Ideal in situations where employees are highly motivated and driven to succeed. The path-goal model is based on the assumption that each leadership style will be effective in different situations depending on the two variables outlined above – employee contingencies and environmental contingencies. A leader needs to be able to adapt to different situations by selecting the style that suits employee needs or using a combination. Not all leaders will naturally exhibit all four leadership styles above or be comfortable using them but under this model a leader would need to have the ability to demonstrate all posing a potential development needs in some situations. Participative vs. Directive Leadership The question posed of whether participative leadership is always more effective than participative leadership cannot be completely justified under the path-goal leadership model as the premise of this approach is that the leadership style applied is dependent upon the environmental and employee variables. While there is a widely shared belief amongst a lot of the literature that participative leadership has greater advantages over a directive approach, there are arguments for both and each has its potential strengths and weaknesses. In this next section the role and outcomes of a participative leader will be compared to that of a directive (or autocratic) leader using organisational examples to illustrate their uses. Participative leadership will not work if subordinates do not have the necessary skills and experience to enable them to contribute to decision-making or make effective decisions themselves and the systems and procedures do not exist within the organisational environment as in the case of the Allied Machinery Company (Muczyk and Reimann 1987). In this example the General Manager’s approach of using a participative or democratic leadership style, which had worked for him, previously was not appropriate in his new role as the subordinates were not used to operating this way and expected guidance and follow-up from their leader. If more of a directive approach had of been taken and subordinates given specific guidelines, had expectations setout and rules or procedures explained then one would expect the outcome to have been significantly different. The key points illustrated here are how important it is for a leader to assess the situational variables (employee and environmental) before choosing their leadership style and secondly the necessity for a leader to be able to flex between styles rather than relying only on their natural or preferred style. A potential challenge to this could be how comfortable managers are with using an alternate style. For example, one study reported that Australian managers dislike using a directive style and some would go to considerable lengths to avoid doing so (Avery & Ryan 2002). The path-goal theory suggests that at times a leader may need to use a combination of leadership styles. In an interesting study on directive versus participative leadership in schools (Somech 2005) explores the effect of each style on school staff and makes several conclusions. A directive style can assist staff to challenge themselves and achieve high performance while a participative approach challenges through the sharing of knowledge however used together by leaders rather than as mutually exclusive styles they achieved a complementary result in terms of school effectiveness. Greiner (1973) also illustrates this point with an example of executives incorporating a few directive actions into their participative style to keep high performance goals in front of their teams. These are both great examples of using a combined approach of participative and directive leadership to maximise the result. Another area worthy of consideration in discussion of these two styles is the influence that demographics such as age, status, length of employment, gender and culture can have on choosing the most appropriate style. Sauer (2011) notes that for a new leader this is no correct style of leadership. In terms of leader status, the study suggests that when low status leaders use directive leadership or high status leaders use participative? leadership, the leaders are perceived as more self-confident and more effective. When comparing leadership across cultures it is also noted that participative leadership works better in some cultures rather then others (Den Hartog et al. , 2000). These examples highlights some other situational factors, potentially outside of the norm, that come into play when assessing the most effective style of leadership to pursue. Practical Implications The continued research into path-goal leadership theory and its application in the workplace highlights some reasonable considerations for leaders in engaging and motivating their subordinates. The literature suggests that participative and directive are the dominant styles and a great deal of the research highlights the benefits of a participative approach. What a lot of the research fails to look at is the negative outcomes if a participative approach is used in a situation that requires a directive approach as in the case of Allied Machinery used above. For practical application of the path-goal theory more focus needs to be placed on comparing the variance in outcomes of participative vs. directive leadership in a range of situations with varying employee and environmental. More importantly a combined approach should also be examined in this research. Conclusion There are many definitions of leadership in existence and varying opinions on the most effective theory and subsequent leadership style. The path-goal leadership theory has evolved over time since it was first proposed in the early 1970s and there has been ongoing critique and analysis of its validity, which in comparison to other contingency theories has held relatively strong. The path-goal theory highlights the key components that will impact the outcome – employee contingencies, environmental contingencies and leadership style. A leader needs to adapt their style to the situation and be able to flex between the four styles rather than relying on just one. The question as to whether participative leadership is always more effective than democratic leadership is not validated as this model illustrates the need for both either in isolation or as a combined approach. A participative or democratic approach relies on the team being engaged and motivated and is only effective if followers are willing and able to participate actively in the decision-making process, which is not always the case. There are so many variables that comes into play that neither of these styles can simply be labeled as the right choice for all situations. Reference List Dicksona, M. , Hartog, D. & Mitchelsona, J. 2003, Research on leadership in a cross-cultural context: Making progress, and raising new questions, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 14, pp. 729-768. Evans, M. G. 1970, The effects of supervisory behavior on the path-goal relationship, Organisational Behavior and Human Performance Vol. 5, pp. 277-298. Gayle C. & Avery, J. 2002, Applying situational leadership in Australia, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 21 pp. 242–262. Greiner, L. 1973, What managers think of participative leadership, Harvard Business Review, Vol. pp. 111-117. House, R. J. 971, A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 16, pp. 321-338. House, R. J. & Mitchell, T. R. 1974, Path-goal theory of leadership, Journal of Contemporary Business, Vol. 3, pp. 81-97. House, R. J. 1996, Path-goal theory of leadership: Lessons, legacy, and a reformulated theory, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 7, pp. 323-352. Huang, X. , Iun, J. , L iu, A. & Gong, Y. 2010, Does participative leadership enhance work performance by inducing empowerment or trust? The differential effects on managerial and non-managerial subordinates, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 1, pp. 122-143. Killian, S. 2007, The ABC of Effective Leadership A Practical Overview of Evidence Based Leadership Theory, Australian Leadership Development Centre, viewed 7 September 2011 http://www. leadershipdevelopment. edu. au/SiteMedia/w3svc674/Uploads/Documents/Effective%20Leadership%20An%20Overview%20of%20Leadership%20Theory. pdf Lewin, K. Liippit, R. and White, R. K. 1939, Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally created social climates, Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 10, pp. 271-301. Muczyk, J. & Reimann, B. 987, The Case for Directive Leadership, The Academy of Management Executive. Vol. 1, pp. 301-311. Sauer, S. J. 2011, Taking the Reins: The Effects of New Leader Status and Leadership Style on? Team Performance, Journal of Applied Psy chology, Vol. 96, pp. 574-87. Smech, A. 2005, Directive Versus Participative Leadership: Two Complementary Approaches to Managing School Effectiveness. Educational Administration Quarterly 2005, Vol. 41, pp. 777-800. Yukl, G. 1989, Managerial Leadership: A Review of Theory and Research, Journal of Management, Vol. 15, pp. 251-289.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

buy custom ELL Families and Schools essay

buy custom ELL Families and Schools essay English language learner population is experiencing an increase in population by a high rate as compared to the whole population in America. The increase in rate comprises of 10% of the student population. This is a challenge to the country, and thus leaving The United States with the challenge of giving equal education opportunity to the English language learner, who wants to study in America schools. Meeting the needs of the ELL students the administration and teachers must consider issues that affect learning to the ELL students. This issues include social cultural influences on English language learners, bilingualism and home language use, parental and community resources and working together with families and schools. (Cummins, 1981) Discussion Socio-cultural influence plays a crucial role on how people relate and interact with each other. Children raised in a certain culture know what type of behavior to act in school and other social areas. At home families traditions, styles of discipline, attitude toward education and prejudices vary. It is significant for teachers to understand the role that English language learner culture influence on the student success at school. Connecting the student culture and family should come up with appropriate teaching technique. This forces English language learners students to cope with many changes in their new country, to get used to new home, new schools and also forces to learn how live in a new country. This challenge to the children of ELL because changing from the old way of life to new is not that easy. At school, the ELL students struggle to learn a new language and the social expectation of their friends and teachers. This social cultural influence ends up increasing more pressure if the ELL students have no other students from their native land to interact with one another. (Crawford, 2004) ELL student should be given an opportunity to share their culture with their classmates. This will help in incorporating the student culture and native language. Use of multicultural literature in class helps students to feel connected and gain confidence in class. To understand ELL student culture teachers need to understand the student family values, their expectation, relatonship with their family and the environment at home. ELL student country, region and customs must be known by their teachers. When teachers invite the students to share with their experiences with the entire class this will help promote students confident and respect in class. (Faltis, 2006) Bilingualism and home language use is a fundamental aspect which requires consideration, when planning for the success of ELL students. For the success of the students understanding how to use bilingualism and home language in the classroom helps students to understand the English language. An ELL student needs to be provided with adequate opportunities to read and write in a meaningful context using their first and second languages. English language learners should be motivated to come up with literacy skills in their first language and translate these skills to English learning. (Ovando, Combs, Collier, 2006) The teacher needs to be patient in dealing with ELL students. ELL students should be allowed to speak their home based language in school, as well as the English language. Teachers should work on the students strength and build students knowledge on what they already know. Students background experiences should be drawn and the connection between academic related facts and students way of life should be motivated. This will help appreciate the value of communicating in multiple languages, thus, boosting their academic performance at school. Teachers should look at their ELL students at an individual level with background knowledge and culture. The aim of bilingualism is to teach the student English language while appreciating the students native language, their ability to write, speak and read in their home language. (Krashen, 1985) Parents and the community resources at large play a vital position in the course of learning English language learners. The involvement of parents in school activities in programs that aim in promote the academic achievement of students and preparing students to another level of English learning process, plays a crucial role in increase the chances for success of the English leaner student. The reason behind this is that parents understand the needs and challenges facing their children. Parents are able to see the progress in reference to their academic skills, thus, encouragement, support and evaluation of learning are vital to their children in school. (Cummins, 1981) Parents and the community should be aware of resources that will help their children learn the new language and be able to participate in school. Parents should play an active role in their child success at school and community. Parents should guide their children in understanding of the culture surrounding them and find a safe place for their children either in school or home. (Faltis, 2006) School should create a relationship with parents and the community where the ELL students reside. It is the role of the school to inform parents on progress of their children, their child development and stages they have learnt. With this, parents will be able to know where they need to support their children at home so that they can achieve more and more. Parents and school relationship helps in understanding the culture and background of parents and their children. This will help the teachers to come up with objectives of teaching the ELL students because they do understand them well. To improve home and school partnership with ELL families a lot can be done. This is through; I can be able to give reading materials to the ELL students which will assist them to learn in an easier way. Also, through providing newsletters to invite parents to become active in the ELL students education both at school and home. Empowering of parents and the community members by making sure parents are aware of resources given to them by the school and the community at large. Introducing monthly meeting with the English language learner parents, to promote a relationship with the school and ELL families, this is to motivate the ELL students so that they feel component of the school society. Conclusion It is highly vital for the school, and the ELL families to interact to enable one other understand their students and children. The ELL students face many challenges in their new school, country because of change in culture, language and the way of living. Therefore, ELL families and the school must work together hand in hand so as to ensure success of the students in their learning process. Teachers should be alert of the requirements of the community, parents and their students. Buy custom ELL Families and Schools essay

Monday, November 4, 2019

Leadership style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership style - Essay Example The Jack Welsh and Russell Simmons are two important leaders whose leadership has significantly impacted business across the world. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, is renowned for his exemplary leadership quality and his innovative approach in the cutthroat business. He reinforces the concept of value based leadership that promotes and facilitates continuous learning and focuses on participative leadership style that encourages collective decision and mutual trust building to improve and improvise outcome (Welsh, 2005). Simmons on the other hand relies primarily on charismatic leadership that is focused on exploiting the potential of black youth through hip hop culture that may not be applicable for people across the board. His leadership style, is based on inflaming the emotions of the target audience and thereby influence their decision making. McShane defines a leader as ‘one who has vision, perseverance, and the capacity to inspire others’ (2003). Welsh’s leadership addresses organizational leadership and exhorts them to adopt dynamic strategies to meet the challenges of the changing times. The leadership is focused on knowledge and skills of the employees and exploits them to achieve organizational goals. Strong communication skill and intrinsic understanding of human nature become vital factors that inspire change towards the better. Cross cultural understanding and relationship building are strong ingredients of Welsh’s leadership. Simmons’ leadership has emerged from a sense or concept of inequity, racism and self empowerment of the African Americans. He has exploited the cultural dynamics of Hip Hop phenomenon of the black community to address their myriad problems. Welsh encourages creativity and innovative practices that give a unique perspective to participatory approach of management and students. The motivating factor of leadership facilitates adaptability to changing equations, which

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Family socilogy (The influence of the family structure) Essay

Family socilogy (The influence of the family structure) - Essay Example Family has always played a vital role in ordering society and in determining life chances of various individuals. The word family holds different meaning for different people and used to symbolize many different views. Giddens defines the family as a â€Å"group of persons directly linked by kin connections, the adult members of which assume responsibility for caring for children†. By children he meant who are dependent on their parents for their livelihood; are aged under 16 or 17 and are in full time education. Till today families are responsible for the upbringing and nurture of children. They are the ones who provide not only love and care but also financial support to children. The main functions performed by the family is to teach a child discipline, judge between what is right and wrong and an acceptable behavior pattern. In this essay, we shall discuss to what extent is family central to the lives of children in Britain. Gordon Brown had expressed that family is the foundation on which our communities, our society and our country are built. However, it has been found in recent years that the traditional beliefs and values of families have undergone lots of social and economic changes. Earlier the foundation stone of families used to be love and care but today it has been replaced by looser and material needs of money and selfishness. These factors have led to the emergence of new types of families like lone parent families, step families, symmetrical families and cohabit families. (cited in Duncan & Phillips, 2008:1). The demographic transition in Europe started from the 1950’s and is still continuing today. Ansley Coale’s has described demographic transition â€Å"as a change from the traditional society in which high mortality and natality rates existed to an industrialized society in which natality and mobility are stabilized at low levels.† This transition has been the result of various social and economic changes such as urbanization, education levels, productive structure and secularization etc. The changes in the trends of life of people have brought about a major change in the way children perceive family in Britain (Pairo, 1997). According to Squire, a family structure changes with experience and life events as a child grows from childhood to adulthood. Every family functions in a unique way due to variations in household types, family structures and the division of domestic labor. Also the composition of the family is influenced by the social, cultural and economic characteristics of different ethnic groups. These factors affect the extent to which a family may or may not be central to the lives of children. Although all family structures are unique but they have one thing in common – they all provide emotional and mutual structural support to all children. A family helps to locate a child socially and thus act as one of the key socializing agents (Squire, 2003:60). A child’s happiness and healthy development depends on a large scale on the kind of relationship that exists between parents, grandparents and other caring adults in the family and most crucially among children and adults. According to research in 2008, 64 % of children live in married families with couples, 23% of children live in lone parent family and 13% live with cohabiting couples (Mapalthorpe et al., 2008:4).The research also reveals that marriage is not necessary for the successful running of the family but good relations matter. Also, 78% of individuals have agreed that it is not divorce that harms children but parental conflicts. According to the individualistic theory, families should become more liberal, with children having a say in important family decisions. Also, biological parents should provide parenting to their children lifelong which will help in their growth towards adulthood. However, research says otherwise –step fathe rs can equally take care and bestow love on them as compared to biological fathers. Traditionally family had been seen as

Thursday, October 31, 2019

How Do You See Ancient Greece In Today's World Essay

How Do You See Ancient Greece In Today's World - Essay Example We must, then, think of Greece as having influenced the West, and also consider that the West has influenced much of the rest of the world: to withhold talk of gods and goddesses for now, it was the Greeks who created today’s world of reason, logic, and understanding, where cause and effect are supreme, in place of a chaotic, mysterious universe, incomprehensible to humankind. We have, however, in early Greece itself, a division fundamental to Western philosophy. Platonists believe the truth is to be searched for in Plato’s well-known â€Å"world of ideas†; the Aristotelians’ belief is that truth must be deduced, induced, or otherwise gleaned from observation of the outside world. In Platos Theory of Creation, as in Timaeus, God creates from his blueprints, called the Forms, for which Matter is the receptacle. This is similar to the Indian conception of God as the masculine force and the Earth as the feminine—which, indeed, gives us one of several links between the Greek conception of the universe and the Oriental. Now here is the poet Heine: â€Å"Plato and Aristotle! These are not merely two systems, but rather two types of human nature, that stand, since time immemorial, in hostile opposition. Across the entire middle ages, to the greatest degree, and up to the present day, this battle was waged†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Heine) Seen in this light, we in the West are all Aristotelians; our marriage to technology proceeds directly from the view that the external world is to supply us with all our truths. Despite all of Aristotle’s classic mistakes, the man and his views live on: we with our machines are the proof. From Aristotle, we turn to a phenomenon called Hippocrates – the first ever physician to have considered medicine as science rather than sorcery. Hippocrates is rightly called the Father of Medicine, believing, as he did, that