Thursday, October 31, 2019

How Do You See Ancient Greece In Today's World Essay

How Do You See Ancient Greece In Today's World - Essay Example We must, then, think of Greece as having influenced the West, and also consider that the West has influenced much of the rest of the world: to withhold talk of gods and goddesses for now, it was the Greeks who created today’s world of reason, logic, and understanding, where cause and effect are supreme, in place of a chaotic, mysterious universe, incomprehensible to humankind. We have, however, in early Greece itself, a division fundamental to Western philosophy. Platonists believe the truth is to be searched for in Plato’s well-known â€Å"world of ideas†; the Aristotelians’ belief is that truth must be deduced, induced, or otherwise gleaned from observation of the outside world. In Platos Theory of Creation, as in Timaeus, God creates from his blueprints, called the Forms, for which Matter is the receptacle. This is similar to the Indian conception of God as the masculine force and the Earth as the feminine—which, indeed, gives us one of several links between the Greek conception of the universe and the Oriental. Now here is the poet Heine: â€Å"Plato and Aristotle! These are not merely two systems, but rather two types of human nature, that stand, since time immemorial, in hostile opposition. Across the entire middle ages, to the greatest degree, and up to the present day, this battle was waged†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Heine) Seen in this light, we in the West are all Aristotelians; our marriage to technology proceeds directly from the view that the external world is to supply us with all our truths. Despite all of Aristotle’s classic mistakes, the man and his views live on: we with our machines are the proof. From Aristotle, we turn to a phenomenon called Hippocrates – the first ever physician to have considered medicine as science rather than sorcery. Hippocrates is rightly called the Father of Medicine, believing, as he did, that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ethical And Environmental Factors Essay Example for Free

Ethical And Environmental Factors Essay The state of Belina is situated in the sub-Saharan region. The countries in the sub-Saharan region have suffered a lot for many years. Most African countries in the sub-Saharan parts have been depicted to be suffering heavily due to the low industrialization level in the region. The transformation of country’s economics together with the changes of living standards of the people begin with education, which is brings about technology changes. Education in the region has been low with just most people attaining the elementary education. There are a few elites with higher education whom the state hope would transform their states. (Williams, 2004. pp 95) The governments of the sub-Saharan states have encouraged their investors by offering them favoring production and investment terms. As the past investment reveals, the investments which have been conducted in the African countries has adversely affected them. There is unfathomable damage and disadvantages which have been created as result of industrial development within many African states. This ranges from the high rates of there natural resource exploitation as well as human labor exploitations to the adverse environmental changes they have implicated. Davidson, 1992, pp402) Despite all the investment made within the sub-Saharan countries, energy investment has received low investors. Due to the low energy production in the region the majority of the people in the region are believed to be subjected to abject poverty. As the people within the region suffer a lot, the energy scarcity has contributed to the low economic growth. Introduction The energy demand has eminently risen in many countries allover the globe over the mid and the last century. This has been as result of rapid developments in the industrial sector as well as in the revolution in technology. Besides this industrialization factor, the state population has also increased several folds. The state populations have been increasing in high rate, thus it has multiplied more than 4 times between 1985 and 2005. The energy demand has increased twelve times within this particular period. This has lead to the government and other individuals to embark on more resources for energy. This indicates the important aspect the country men leaders attaches to the energy production. The people from the sub-Saharan countries such as the belina community should be cautious of the environmental impact that any industrial development might have in there livelihoods. Many people have developed technologically leading to industrialization, but the development which has been done also turned out as draw backs to future generations. The American and the United Kingdom states such as Germany and the Japan are such developed countries which are currently savaging from such development. This is because any technology which is introduced within the state should perpetually yield positive more advantages than its disadvantages. (Munasinghe, 2005, pp 35-48) The effects of energy productions plants are similar to those of other processing and manufacturing plants. While the industrialized countries are savaging from great environmental pollution, there has been campaigns on environmental control. The impacts of environmental pollutions are globally felt. The energy producer companies and the consumers companies of such energies have both been major contributors to the scourge felt. As the effects of global warming are being felt, the sub-Saharan countries seem to be in worse hit. This is because global warming has affected the good climatic conditions under which they have thrived in economics means. This climatic change has been associated with the industrialized countries of which most of them are much far from the continent. Due to the above consideration, the government of belina has an obligation of considering such campaigns of eliminating and discarding the energy companies interested in investments that has got inadequate pollution control measures. For this reason, the government has to view those companies having the utilization of old traditional methods as environmentally unfriendly and also some of those modern technology methods which are not renewable. Energy sources and their effects The old traditional energy sources have greatly led to the advancement of our production. They have been credited for they have enabled men to the discoveries which were fundamental for high productions. However, this old traditional methods of energy sources have now created another milestone of environmental clean up. The major traditional energy sources which are available range from the fossils to wood and to some extent the reactive elements used in the nuclear powers. These have continued for long being in use, and even today, they form ninety percent of the energy produced and consumed world wide. The application of energy resources such as coal, natural gas, petroleum products as well as uranium have for long been used. These are all non-renewable sources which have high risk of depletion besides high hazards to the environment and the people handling them. The fossils fuels have only been of continued used initially as they were plentiful and inexpensive. However, these advantages are no longer valuable as there are other means for which energy has been produced cheaply and with consistency. Usually, the consumption of these substances and their products has now been a major risk to the country consuming them. The consumption of these substances has generated numerous air pollutants and other air by-products which have lead to global climatic changes. Coal as energy resources take millions of years to be formed. Despite this, it is historically disputed as a threat to the miners/ workforce and also as an environmental hazard. While petroleum has served for long in the transportation systems and other industrial sectors like manufacturing of plastic and synthetic fabric, it has also posed greater dangers to the environment of our people. The spillage which may occur within the seas and rivers during its transportation to the power plants creates a lot of stress and tension to the environment. This significantly destroys our rivers, seas and marines live, hence the whole aquatic live. This not only affects the water ecosystems but they also leading to endangering the human life through food chain systems. The natural gas products are also enormously boosting both agricultural production and our health through their application in the medical systems. Although the natural gas seems to contribute much towards environmental conservation, the methane gas has got enormous effects which relates to the greenhouse effects. (Hall and Mao, 1994, pp 234) The non-renewable fossil energy sources are indiscriminately disastrous to the environment. The extraction of these fossils causes many changes to the soil structures hence causes disturbances to the soil. Apart from affecting the soil and its inhabitants, the method of extraction causes disturbances in the water systems, which my lead to diversion of the water ways making a particular region to experience unexpected dryness water scarcity while other part enjoys plenty of water availability. Vegetation and other significant resources are not spared either and this perhaps affects the whole ecosystem of the region which may act as tourism attraction centre. The twentieth century has endeavored to utilize the technology advances on combating with the problem of limited energy. Undoubtedly the discovery of the nuclear energy was a period of great hope to the world. Many individuals thought that nuclear energies would save the world from its limited natural resources as elements are quite abundant. The believed results turned out as unfulfilling very soon. Just after the introductory of this energy production technique, numerous fearful cases were reported allover the world. As with the Japanese case, many countries were apprehended with awesome fear as the enormous disaster left behind with the prolong killing of people. As well known, any excess without control is dangerous. Due to excess energy that is generated, the nuclear energy mistakes left thousands of the Japanese killed and many others injured. The state is also suffering from this long historical happening even after heavily assistance to curb the radiation effects. Many are born disabled due to affected human molding factors. The non-renewable based companies may thus find no way of solving the Belina problem of energy crisis. (Ministry of Water, Energy and Mining, 1988, pp 16) The struggle for the belina energy shortage takes the alternative energy sources. This adopts the issues of renewable energy sources. The Belina is positioned within the advantageous positions of the world. The fact that Belina lies in the sub-Saharan region; there is an immeasurable advantages over other countries which lies in the far ends of the artic and Antarctic of the globe. Being in the sub-Saharan region, it has the full advantage of utilizing the major world energy sources which is believed as the sun. The state does not have to succumb to the developed states demands on favors which will bring them more future life uncertainty. However, the country would need to tap the solar energy which is availed for twelve plus hour in a day. The use of this energy has not only been praised for its natural occurrence but it has been environmentally friendly. It is the best natural occurring clean energy in spites of its limited amounts that depend on the intensity of the sun. Furthermore, solar plant installation clears only a minute piece of land affecting a few vegetation cover. (World Bank, 1989, pp 23) Windmills have transformed the lives of many people living in the sub-Saharan and sub-Saharan states. Windmill energy production is thus a rapidly growing energy sources, this is thriving well in places where wind is freely blowing such as the ones experienced in the Belina. The wind blowing along the ridges and others part are potentially trapping position of energy to the industries. This would mitigate the lives of the communities by enhancing economic growths while maintaining the low effects which are short lived such as vegetation clearing on the wind pathways. Although, this may affect the country economy, it is anticipated the most hit sector is the tourism which depend on birds as their attraction means. The killing of such birds by the blades of turbines is quite minimal as compared to the energy non-renewable sources (Ministry of Water, Energy and Mining, 1988, pp 16) As the country come to the culmination of industrialization leading it to the level of developed state, the urban centre would be highly populated more than the cities are packed now. This will lead to an unimaginable sanitary state of the city environment. The living places of the people are now ravaged and littered with garbage from fruit refuse and other organic plant litters. This is making the people to live barely struggling to breathe for pure oxygen. This poses great threat of health hazards to the people. The chances of endemic and epidemic are now in the verge of being rampant in the region. But, with the modern technology, the people in the cities and other metropolitan can be saved with the utilization of the refuse both for the energy production and for economic agricultural production through soils enrichment. It will be a prime reason for not investing on others energy forms while refuse is indirectly and directly disseminating diseases to the population of the nation (Johansson, 1993, pp 96-118) The investment in bio-fuel and other biomass degradable materials has lead to the production of products such as gasohol, gasoline and many other products. The products have been a means of saving the countries from the energy crisis which is associated to the over dependency on non-renewable energy sources. Apart from their application by other states as energy alternative, they have an impact on the maintenance of stable prices of the products from the factories, making the products affordable to the consumers in poverty stricken states such as those in the sub-Saharan regions. (Sokona, 2002, pp 145) Conclusion The energy crisis and shortage to countries in the sub-Saharan region has contributed to the persistence of great suffering of the people due to poverty high level. However, the investment on energy production to solve the problem should be a careful process that does not impact adversely both in the environmental factors as well as in the ethical factors. The traditional energy sources have been major contributors to the worse economic conditions of the people in the sub-Saharan states. This can thus be altered by the adaptation of the energy production methods which are renewable. References: Davidson O. (1992): Energy Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa: Annual Review of Energy and Environment Vol. 17 pp401-403. Hall, D. and Mao, Y. (1994): Biomass and Coal in Africa. London Johansson, T. et al (1993): Renewable Energy:. Island Press Ministry of Water, Energy and Mining, (1988): Lesotho Energy Master Plan: GTZ and Department of Energy World Bank, (1989) Sub-Saharan Africa From Crisis to Sustainable Growth: The World Bank. Williams, J. (2004). Sustainable development in Africa: is the climate right? IRI Technical Report Munasinghe, M. (2005). Primer on climate change and sustainable development: Cambridge University Press. Sokona, Y. (2002) Think bigger, act faster: a new sustainable energy path for African development: University of Cape

Sunday, October 27, 2019

LOréal Internal and External Influences

LOrà ©al Internal and External Influences The beauty industry has always been on a rapid move either it being the consumers or the competitors whereby on stake lies millions of dollars to be griped on by the producers of the beauty products. LOreal being the worlds largest beauty firm employing around 50,000 employees worldwide and revenues worth 17.47 billion dollars in 2009. LOreal has created an international brand portfolio for consumers with wide range of incomes and tastes in 140 countries and we know that LOreal has certainly occupied a unique position in the fast pace global beauty environment. The road to success was difficult as a lot of barriers had to be overcome and LOreal manage to that as well as winning the hearts of millions of consumers and therefore being the King in the Industry. (B).THE INTERNAL EXTERNAL INFLUENCES ON LOREAL (B.1). INTERNAL INFLUENCES Mission and Vision LOreal operates with a distinctive global vision and market approach that have all been oriented to the fast growing global personal care market whereby their core values always have lied in integrity, responsibility and respect for the people and environment and thus satisfying and empowering the consumers further and thus allowing them to become a leader in Corporate Consumer Responsibility. Goals and objectives LOreal goals and objectives have always made them outstanding in the rest in the market as it always focused its strategy on achieving internal growth which was largely influenced by the ideas of acquisitions either it being strategic or tactical it has clearly lead to the overall growth of the business. Organisation Structure- LOreal has had a unique matrix structure as a result of this it has lead to effective communication throughout the whole organisation as well as developing effective market strategies and new product ideas. The matrix structure improved coordination with the rest of the departments in the organisation as well as on shared technologies and allowed information to move easily and feedback. Employees This has been a major influence on the organisations success as all employees are treated as assets in the company and all most all the employees have developed trusting relationships with their jobs as a result better working relations. Decision making- Decision making tends to be decentralized in the organisation thus allowing faster decisions to be made. Fast and flexible decision making willing to take risks has led them implore onto new opportunities in the market. Culture- LOreal has been built on strong values which have shaped culture and have guided the organisation throughout the life of the company whereby customer culture has always been emphasized as product safety and quality is paramount at all times and so becoming the leading beauty company .LOreal culture tends to cover all aspects of beauty for all consumers. The customer oriented culture has thus allowed LOreal to distinguish itself from competitors like PG. Research and Development- LOreal invested merely around à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬581 billion in 2008 as per (LOreal .com) so as to promote sustainable innovation and safer to products to its consumers. (B.2). EXTERNAL INFLUNCES Demographics- The demographic shifts really influence a companys products with the recent trends whereby ageing population in the western hemisphere, aspiring consumers in emerging markets and other trends all this but LOreal responded to this trends better than its rivals and as a reason to this being the only cosmetic group present in every distribution channel . Competition- Rivals such as Procter Gamble (PG) , Estee Lauder and Unilever have always had a fierce and cut-throat competition in the industry and as per Corbett (2004) who said that competition brings out the best in organisations and it certainly did with LOreal grabbing the most opportunities and winning over consumers hearts with new and innovative products. Political- Government rules and regulations always come into the picture and tend to change bring about a lot of changes and as well as in the 1970s where the French government wanted to control Frances top companies and because of this Gesparal was formed as holding company otherwise LOreal could have add problems because sometimes state run companies are lack inefficiency as well as innovation. Because of LOreal being a globalized company laws, rules , legislation and business practises vary in different countries and so LOreal faces the problem to try to adopt to various governmental rules in order for it to be favourable for the organisation Customer Tastes and Preferences Customers are seen as ever changing until they find one product which they prefer and become royal to the same applies in the beauty industry where consumers will jockey between brands but having notices all these LOreal designed products that meted every specific groups needs and wants as well s meeting up with the increasing demand of beauty of products in this decade and simply outsmarting its rivals. Social Influences- With the new trends and urban flairs changing around lifestyle plays a key role as well as the question of only celebrities are used in advertisements and so cannot relate to an ordinary woman in society keeps on posing s serious question. Economic- Cosmetics are normally considered as a luxury product well during times of a dismal economy LOreal could face the problem of lack of consumer demand and so try to look into other countries plans and policies to try lifted the country out of recession. Technological Business operates in a world of rapid technology and so LOreal has to keep up with the pace otherwise could lose its market position. Advances in technological methods has had a positive intake from the companies as it allows them to reduce product obsoleteness and so advances in production methods have created products with longer life the creation of the express finish fast dry nail enamel really became popular having huge amounts of sale everywhere Globalization Has been the major driving factor to many of the external influences as it has allowed the spreading of production, communication and technologies. (C).HOW GLOBALISATION INFLUENCES POLICIES AND DECISION MAKING IN LOREAL The world we live in is a different place from what it was 30 years or 40 years ago this is simply been because of what writers like to call an invisible earthquake i.e. Globalisation. Therefore we are living in a world of increasing instantaneity and every individual is influenced by globalisation so what to speak about organisations especially like LOreal. Globalisation is the spread and connectedness of production, communication and technologies across the world that spread has involved the interlocking of economic and cultural activity. According to Held and McGrew (2007) globalisation is seen as a stretching of social, political and economic activities across political frontiers and therefore all this factors have to be included in the policies and decision making of LOreal. One major influence that would always change their decision making was going to be how LOreal would cope- up with the new markets and new customers as well as reflecting upon wide variations between countries and cultures in their concepts of beauty and levels of personal hygiene had to be really considered because as per Peppers and Rogers (2004) said that every customer is different in a market and therefore each customer needs and wants will differ and so LOreal had to adjust themselves and try meeting those needs if not they could end up losing out customers to their rivals. Therefore LOreal was trying to make sure that global plans are compatible with the rest of the markets across the world. Over the years a centralized decision making was supported but at the speed globalisation was going to decision making certainly had to become decentralized so as to allow faster decision to be made as well as to reduce the levels of authority because all organisations were going to function in a very pacing environment and if decisions took longer to make it could pose severe problems in the future Pathak (2005) also favoured the point that a decentralized decision system could also be the key to success in a globalised economy. Globalisation brings in new aspects of managing human capital and treating human capital as assets is the key to success as well therefore LOreal had changed their policies towards employees and not only that they tried developing employees skills and tests on a level not only of being profitable but creating successful business for the long term. Cherunilam (2007) said that technology has been the major driving force to globalisation and therefore once a technology is developed it soon becomes available everywhere in the world integrating this main function into the decision making process is crucial. The aspect of growing use of internet had to be considered and therefore after the growth in technology and users of internet LOreal had to change policies and start to create online stores where it was not a must for the customers to physically come to the store to purchase goods it could be done anywhere and so technology had to be encompassed in the decision making process. Globalisation is bound to bring in new international rules and regulations. LOreal decision to move into international markets tended to be really cautious to acquire new assets amidst and industry wide consolidation then underway in the world beauty industry. Because of this new rules and regulations it could take a long time before mergers and acquisitions could be finalized i.e. the acquisition of Kiehls took 3 years to finalise because it was under courtship therefore LOreal have to consider all the political laws and judicial precedents . Because of the emergence of the global village according to Griffiths (2008) it is the duty of every organisation to be a good corporate citizen and so he went on to outline the importances of any organisation to become a good corporate citizen and to take upon corporate social responsibility as its a growing importance to any organisation and if not practised by the organisation could lead to reduction in profits as well as customers therefore globalisation changes how an organisations aligns their values and behaviours with the expectations and needs of the stakeholders and therefore policies are certain to change because LOreal had to also be called accountable for their impact of activities on the society and the environment. Globalisation meant that social changes and lifestyles also had to be integrated in the decision making process i.e. The way stores were designed had to simply change and therefore new store designs were put into place and try to forge links either with the local community and so to be relevant to the customers. Increasing competition within the beauty industries is certainly going to bring out the best of all companies and therefore according to Lindstedt and Burenius (2003) the first step towards a profitable business is intelligent market segmentation, targeting and positioning. Increasing globalisation together with customer demands had to be watched carefully and careful segmentation and targeting had to be carried out so as to understand consumers needs if LOreal were to win over the hearts of customers therefore globalisation certainly placed major influences on policies and decision making in terms of how marketing would be carried out because LOreal was not only dealing with the French population it was dealing with over billions of people all around the world with different needs and desires thus LOreal would have to take markets and divide them into narrower and narrower segments .Although sustaining brand positioning was going to pose a difficult challenge but LOreal were up for the task that awaited them. Organisations have to change from a profit oriented culture to customer oriented culture if they wanted to succeed in a globalized village. Long term planning is not the goal with the pressures of globalisation therefore LOreal will have to move away from a traditional approach of long term planning i.e. for 10 years what has been to done is making plans so as to adopt or respond to the environmental changes as soon as possible i.e. coming up with new strategies have to worked out. (D). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LOREALS RESPONSE LOreal dint have an accessibly priced genuinely popular brand with a global potential which it could start selling to the rest of the world and that posed a problem and so we will now discuss how effective LOreal was in its response to Globalisation. And therefore LOreal set out to have a portfolio of products which was attractively priced proposition not just to fill the hole in any country but so as t go around the whole world and in all new markets. Marketing was going to be a key role in the globalisation process and so it did play its role LOreal started identifying areas on improvement and in marketing nothing more is important than informing your customers about your products and services as per Lee and Johnson (2005) and so LOreal started spending huge amounts on advertising e.g. after the acquisition of Maybelline which was having a few problems in that customers would saw Maybelline was something their mothers wore and so LOreal clearly applied their expertise and technology to improve Maybellines products , its marketing and it spent around $70 million in advertising as well as it had to change the tagline of the products. According to White (2007) a tagline plays an important persuasive role in a campaign and therefore LOreal shifted its tagline to because youre worth it and after the changes to the acquisition it gave LOreal the passport to enter even new markets. As a result of this LOreal established a reputation for quality among US products and was able to sell products for a higher price than its competitors. LOreal started with having an organisational structure, marketing strategy and culture well oriented to the fast growing global personal care market. The marketing campaigns were always successful for LOreal as they used high profile celebrities in its ad campaigns and thus able to enhance global image. According to Yang (2005) said that the selection of an appropriate channel of distribution is very important because of the association that is created between the image of the channel and that of the brand. And so LOreal improved on their distribution channels as they were going to reach out to more consumers then ever and therefore the concept of selling beauty through several channels of distribution was very carefully watched as it corresponded to economic levels as well as psychographic .And therefore it was a able to create a strong presence in every distribution channel of each division Consolidation is an important competitive strategy in the beauty industry and for LOreal to become a leader it would have to be the leader in the American beauty industry and so acquisition became an internal growth strategy that will help LOreal to expand product portfolio and revenues because being big in States meant you are big worldwide and so the over the years LOreal went onto purchase many of the big names in the American market so at to be a leader and added its magical touches on all of them so as to become a global leader the major companies LOreal bought in USA were Redken and as a result of purchasing Redken it gave them the ability to implement strategy of acquiring US brands to complement European brands also the purchase of Maybelline allowed LOreal to obtain 17% of share of the $2.3 billion U.S. mass cosmetics industry. Frensch (2007) said that acquisitions aimed to extend product lines are more likely to lead to synergies and that swat exactly was happening as LOrea l was able to cut production costs down rapidly. As well as to that the acquisition of the top two US ethnic hair care manufacturers Soft Sheen and Carson allowed LOreal to obtain 20% of the fragmented ethnic hair care market. The other major response was the acquisition of Kiehls and Matrix. Matrix was the leading US hair care brand in the professional market while Kiehls acquisition tended to strengthen LOreals position in the speciality store high end segment of the business where LOreal had not been an important player.Helena Rubinstein and Ralph Lauren Fragrances and Cosmair allowed them to fill up the portfolio of products as well. And that Lancà ´me and Garnier which were purchased in 1964 also had a major role in the globalisation process as sales from Europe came from Lancà ´me and Garnier. For a firm to prevail in the market an edge over rivals must be sustained as well as a customer orientation for manufacturing organisations according to Prasad (2009) and because of this LOreal had a strong commitment to Research and development that many consider still consider still to be the firms most distinctive values and advantage over its rivals. LOreal spent $600 million in the year in 2003 which allowed them to later on reduce costs of products and creation of new products like the most famous being the Garnier Fructis Shampoo. And that LOreal has a portfolio of more than 20,000 international patents. LOreal certainly had many strategies under their sleeves they tended to rebrand many of the products that were not performing well and the rebranding lead to increase in sales and increase n customers e.g. Rebranding Maybelline New York grew up sales by 93% as well as dropping a few brands but mainly was that LOreal was acquire new brands and developing those brands effectively. Helena was reintroduced in the market as a more up scaling product and that lead to increase in sales. After considering the competition LOreal tended to establish international brand management teams which were responsible for creating new products and developing market positions and strategies. Technology was embedded as an advantage and LOreal started setting up online stores and so customers could purchase any product any time thus convenient to them. As per Griffiths (2008) who said that every organisation must be a good corporate citizen and so did LOreal adopt to the Corporate Social responsibility approach really positively and one of its acquisitions i.e. Kiehls mission was very much CSR oriented whereby it was making profit as to improve the quality of the community to which it is committed. As result of the major acquisition by 2004 LOreal was enjoying its 19th consecutive year of double digit growth and also recorded over 18 global brands which have helped to strengthen customer brand loyalty. (E). AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT IN LOREALS RESPONSE LOreal being the leader in the beauty industry is always at risk of competition and therefore to still stay ahead of competition areas of improvement still have to be undertaken a few areas are going to be discussed. Strong competition from major rivals that include Proctor and Gamble ( P G) as well as Revlon could always strike an attack and therefore LOreal still has to constantly be innovative so as to maintain its market share and knowing that LOreal spends around $600 million in Research and Development as per the case companies such as Toyota although in another industry spends on average 1 million per hour in research and development as per ( so as to deliver better products and services to its consumers similarly Proctor Gamble are said to invest around $ 5 million a day in research and development according to ( whereby PG believe one of their major reasons of success is the amounts they have spent on RD which have lead to innovations and at the end of the day with increasing sales market share will increase therefore for LOreal to still be a leader in the years to come it will have to invest heavily in Research and development so as to become more a nd more innovative than its rivals and simply stay ahead of the competition. Improvements in areas like Customer Relationship Management are essential because according to Sayer Bruce (2007) who said that customers are always changing and therefore these patterns must be watched carefully, therefore if LOreal will want to sustain its high performance in the beauty industry one way of doing that will be by sharpening knowledge of its customers through a better and efficient company- wide customer relationship management (CRM) management. Therefore they will surely have to become more customer focused because as competition increases business growth can be stunted by customer switching.CRM can be achieved by various ways in LOreal , the firm will have to identify divisions which already have a ideal customer foundation and once it has a fully integrated CRM system the knowledge can be gathered from different channels and segments according to values and behaviours and this will lead to an end to end process from consumer analysis and segmentation to creation , execution and measurement of the success of marketing campaigns. Production costs can still be lowered by LOreal as a result of the benefits it derives from economies of scale as we are told in the case it was able to produce mascaras for 20cents in its huge Little Rock plant and therefore areas in production can still be improved and thus the benefit being passed down to the consumers who will accept it with happiness. Lets not forget the danger the environment is faced with as a result of the risky chemicals components used in production and other areas as well i.e. toxic products which could soon pose a major problem not saying that LOreal is not doing anything at the issue in concern but if LOreal could promote policies on recycling, reducing their energy consumption , using green electricity and certainly reduce the use of volatile solvants so as to have an environmental policy that drives towards innovation. LOreal should also develop a new business strategy that will give them a better competitive advantage against Estee Lauder, PG maybe by going to segment and catering to a further range of ethnic groups and so try to apply a differentiation strategy and be successful Another area that still needs to be closely patched up is regarding its marketing strategy towards males because according to research shows that men are becoming increasingly concerned with their appearance and skin care and so it is an opportunity for LOreal to grip on before its rivals do. (F).CONCLUSION LOreal have been in the beauty industry for a hundred years and their reach to the peak of the mountain was slow and steady and very thoughtful as to be the global leader in the beauty industry problems are bound to show up from time to time and LOreal have been able to take the pressures faced from competition and globalisation aspects and tried to make the best out of them so as to be the King in the beauty industry but even though the journey does not end over here for LOreal as there still lies areas of improvement in the organisation so as to remain the King for the years to come. (G).REFERENCES Brooksbank, R.( 2002) Hot Marketing ,Cool Profits .Australia :Mc-Graw Hill. p.72-73 ,164-166. Cherunilam, F.( 2007) International Business: Text and Cases . 4th edition. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India . p.21 Corbett , M. E. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Compilers :: essays research papers

Size of resulting program generated (involving RAM and ROM) and case studies A factor by which compilers for programming languages can be compared is the size of the resulting program generated. Clearly, a smaller code size is desirable since it is more memory-efficient, uses fewer computer resources and allows the computer to support and run more programs at once. For instance, a program required a minimum of 49 bytes of random access memory(RAM) and 580 words of read-only memory(ROM) when compiled by the C compiler CSS-C V3.000, but required an average RAM of 65 bytes and ROM of 722 words when compiled by HI-TECH PICC V7.86, according to tests run by the CSS developers. Clearly, CSS-C V3.000 is a better compiler in this case Studies have also shown that the V.8.0c of the Microsoft compiler produces smaller and faster code than the CAD-UL Compiler and the V.5.0 of the Paradigm C/C++ Compiler . Of the three, the Microsoft compiler also has the best optimiser for '186, which may be another factor of comparison for compilers of programming languages. User friendliness of compiler and case studies The user-friendliness of a compiler is another factor by which compilers for programming languages may be compared. User-friendliness is important since compilers which are more user-friendly generally result in greater productivity as the programmer is likely to feel more comfortable, and hence be more efficient, using the compiler. For instance, the above HI-TECH C compiler stresses full ANSI compliance and forces the programmer to develop an intimate knowledge of the hardware. The CSS compiler, on the other hand, insulates the programmer from the hardware and has a generous library of useful routines. Clearly the latter is more user-friendly and thus desirable. Diversity of supported platforms and case studies Another factor of comparison would be the diversity of platforms supported by the compiler. Compilers which support a greater variety of platforms may be favoured because they are more versatile. For instance, IAR's C compiler supports only Windows and DOS, but Imagecraft's C compiler supports Windows, DOS and Linux, giving the programmer more flexibility in compiling operations.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Analysing Carbon Emissions From Pakistan Environmental Sciences Essay

The anthropogenetic CO2 emanations and planetary heating has alarmed worldly to happen new and better ways to run into the energy demand while cut downing the GHGs. Pakistan is besides badly affected by energy crisis and environmental jobs. Pakistan brick kilns are one of the major fluke gas emanation resources. The intent of this research is to develop a simulation theoretical account to relieve CO2 emanations and utilize it for the production of fertiliser that helps the agribusiness needs and economic system. The widely used MEA dissolver to capture flue gases is replaced by Aqueous Ammonia because the subsequently non merely absorbs all three major acid gases ( CO2, SO2 and NO2 ) to greater extent but besides produces a compound fertiliser from these acid gases which has advantage over other fertilisers and does non pollute the land H2O. It has been found that soaking up efficiency is increased with addition of NH3/CO2 molar ratio. This methodological analysis has been first clip introduced in Pakistan to bring forth a fertiliser from the flue gases of brick kilns. This technique can significantly cut down air pollution and a measure towards sustainability. The phenomenon of planetary heating has changed its form and converted itself to planetary warning. It is due to non merely the monolithic emanation of GHGs in the ambiance but besides deficiency of appropriate direction system to cut down the monolithic sum of the GHG. GHG chiefly consists of CO2, H2O bluess, methane and last but non least choloroflorocarbon. Harmonizing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) , about three-quarterss of the addition in atmospheric CO2 is attributable to firing fossel fuels. [ IPCC, Climate Change 2001: impacts, version and exposure. Contribution of working group II to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ; 2001. ] If the C in all the estimated dodo fuel militias were emitted to the ambiance, the C concentration would lift to more than 5 times pre-industrial degree. [ O'Neill BC, Oppenheimer M. Climate Change: Dangerous Climate impacts and the Kyoto proto col, Science 2002 ; 296 ( 5575 ) :1971-2. ] With mention to the IPCC anticipation, the ambiance would incorporate up to 570 ppm of CO2 by the terminal of 2100, doing a rise of mean planetary temperature of around 1.9o ­C and an addition in average sea degree of 3.8 m [ Stewart C, Hessami M.A survey of methods of C dioxide gaining control and sequestration- the sustainability of a photosynthetic bioreactor attack, Energy Convers Manage 2005 ; 46 ; 403-20 ] . Another IPCC studies on CO2 gaining control and storage gives planetary CO2 emanation in 2000 at 23.5GT with about 60 % of this attributed to 7887 beginnings above 100,000 tonne/year including 4942 electrical power Stationss which emitted 10.5GT/year CO2. the staying 40 % emanations were chiefly from transit systems. [ IEA particular study on C dioxide gaining control and storage, IPCC web site: ; 2005 ] . Other than power workss and cars brick kilns are besides lending in environmental pollution. Coal and wood are normally employed in the fabrication of bricks in Pakistan. The burning of coal and wood release C dioxide, methane, C atom, azotic oxide and a assortment of manufactured chemicals that do non happen in nature like Chlorofluorocarbons, ozone, C monoxide, non-methane hydrocarbons, ( NMHCs ) and nitrogen oxides [ 2 ] . Harmonizing to our appraisal there are more than 1000 brick kilns working in the locality of Lahore. The one-year production of bricks is about 46 million per twelvemonth from more than 6000 brick kilns in Pakistan. The emanations from Brick Kiln industry in Pakistan is at scaring degree. It has been estimated that about 533019 dozenss of untreated nursery gases are emitted from these kilns on one-year footing which contribute in assorted environmental jobs can be observed in table 1. [ 2 ] . The tallness of chimney is besides non high plenty because of which the somberness leans downwards to the land, finally fouling the country.Table 1: CO2 Emissions of states of PakistanState Probationary Division Green Houses Gases Emission ( tons/year ) Green Houses Gases Emission % age Punjab Entire 479467 89.96 Sindh Entire 34332 6.44 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Entire 14745 2.76 Balochistan Entire 4475 0.84 Grand Total 533019 100Figure 1: Pakistan CO2 emanation ( metric dozenss per capita )Figure 2: Word CO2 emanation ( metric dozenss per capita )Emissions from Brick kiln: The emanations from Brick Kiln industry in Pakistan is at scaring degree. The values of GHGs release calculated from the up matching to 6000 brick units established in the state are 139600, 19600, 495200, 2100, 360, 17 and 540 T severally for entire C ( C ) , C dioxide ( CO ) , C dioxide ( CO2 ) , methane CH4, azotic oxide ( NO ) , nitrogen dioxide ( N2O ) and NOx. It is apparent that GHGs emanations are dominated by C dioxide ( CO2 ) followed by CO and other non- CO2 gases. Projected parts of GHGs from the Punjab state to the state ‘s entire emanations are highest which can be observed in the Table 1. [ 2 ] . Environmental Issue: Environmental issues due to emanations of pollutants from burning of fossil fuels have turned into planetary jobs, every bit good as air toxics and nursery gases ( GHGs ) . The usage of fossil fuels for energy contributes to a figure of environmental jobs globally. Harmonizing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) [ 1 ] , about three-quarterss of the addition in atmospheric CO2 is attributable to firing fossil fuels. Table 2 shows the harmful pollutants released into the ambiance from combustion of fossil fuels. If the C in all of the estimated dodo fuel militias were emitted to the ambiance, the C concentration would lift to more than 5 times pre-industrial degrees [ 2 ] .Table 2: Fossil fuel emanation degrees ( pounds/billion BTU of energy input )Pollutant Natural Gas Oil Coal Carbon dioxide 117000 164000 208000 Carbon monoxide 40 33 208 Nitrogen oxide 92 448 457 Sulphur oxide 1 1122 2591 Particulates 7 84 2744 Mercury 0.00 0.007 0.016 Entire 117140 165687.007 214000.016 Beginning: EIA Surveies have shown that increased GHG degrees in ambiance are believed to do planetary heating. Among these GHGs, CO2 makes up a high proportion in regard of its sum nowadays in the ambiance, lending 60 per centum of planetary heating effects [ 3 ] .World Consumption of FertilizerWorld fertiliser ingestion increased exponentially in the period 1950- 1990. This growing was spurred by the rise in nutrient demand by increasing universe population. Achieving higher production given the same sum of land can be done through three ways. Turning more land into cultivable land through better irrigation Using High Yielding Seeds ( HYS ) Using fertilisers to better dirt content Improvement in dirt content is the most convenient and often followed method. Furthermore, it has gained widespread usage as nutrient demand rises. The exponential growing in universe fertiliser ingestion experienced a brief downswing in the early 1990 ‘s due to the prostration of fertiliser ingestion in the states of cardinal Europe and the Former Soviet Union, following structural alterations and economic jobs. However station that brief downswing, growing in fertiliser ingestion is once more on the rise and rapid growing is expected to go on in the hereafter. Harmonizing to IFA estimations, the universe fertiliser ingestion is expected to make 199.2mntpa in 2030 from 174.7mntpa in 2015.Figure 3: World Fertilizer ConsumptionMeasure towards SustainabilityIt is clear that CO2 is the chief constituent that is present in surplus more than other pollutants and fouling the environment. To maintain the environment clean such techniques must be employed that non merely capture the CO2 and other gases and besides utilize them to bring forth a valuable merchandise from these flue gases. This thing will assist in economic system an d maintain the environment clean and finally capturing and transition of CO2 from flue gases into a valuable fertiliser ( NH4HCO3 ) is so the first measure towards sustainability.WorkThe Aqueous ammonium hydroxide is used as a dissolver to capture the fluke gases breathing from the brick kiln which non merely captures CO2, but besides SO2 and NOx. The ammonia solution after soaking up was found to incorporate ammonium hydrogen carbonate [ NH4HCO3 ] , ammonium sulphate [ ( NH4 ) 2SO4 ] , and ammonium nitrate [ NH4NO3 ] , which comprise a compound fertiliserFigure 4: the fluke gases CO2, SO2 and NOx from the stack of brick kiln are breathing. The reaction of aqueous ammonium hydroxide with CO2 non merely captures CO2 but besides give a by-product ; ammonium hydrogen carbonate ( NH4HCO3 ) used a fertiliserAbsorption ability of Aqueous Ammonia Vs MEAMEA ProcessAmine soaking up engineeringThe soaking up engineering which uses amine solution ( MEA ) is being used in natural gas industry f or 60 old ages and is considered as a mature engineering. Natural gas industry utilizes MEA to absorb CO2 from natural gas. The remotion of CO2 from burning fluke gas can be done by a figure of commercial MEA soaking up processes. In an absorbent, the MEA solution is allowed to hold a contact with fluke gas which consequences in the soaking up of CO2. When used in a power works, CO2 is entrapped by the dissolver while the fluke gas is bubbled through the dissolver in a jammed absorber column. Subsequently the captive CO2 is stripped off of the dissolver by counter fluxing steam at 100 to 200 grade Celsius in a regenerator unit. CO2 watercourse is concentrated ( up to 99 % ) due to the vaporization of H2O bluess and this watercourse can subsequently be compressed for commercial applications or storage. The procedure is economically hapless as it calls for a big equipment and intensive energy input. Recycle rate of CO2 for MEA is 98 % : The basic reaction for this procedure is: C2H4OHNH2+H2O+CO2>C2H4OHNH3++HCO3-Disadvantages of MEA procedureMEA procedure bears some defects which are: 1. Loading capacity of CO2 is little 2. Equipments confronts high corrosion rates 3. High absorptive make-up rate is generated by amine debasement chiefly because of SO2, NO2, HCl, HF and O in fluke gas 4. Energy ingestion is really high particularly during high temperature absorbent regeneration When the CO2 is entrapped from coal or crude oil derived burning fluke gas, hints of sulphur dioxide should besides be removed to avoid debasement of MEA by SO2 and O meanwhile irreversible debasement merchandises are constituted. The cost of MEA procedure is high on history of debasement even if all of the SO2 is removed from the fluke gas by using a desulphurization unit. Oxides of N should besides be dispatched organize the fluke gas to maintain up the emanation bounds.Figure 5: Degradation MEA by CO2 and O2The cost of MEA make-up is high because of debasement, even after most of the SO2 is removed from the fluke gas in an upstream fluke gas desulphurization unit. NOx must besides be finally removed from the fluke gas before it is discharged into the air in order to run into present and future gaseous emanation bounds.Advantages of Aqueous Ammonia over MEAReplacement of widely used MEA procedure by individual Aqua Ammonia procedure can ensue in the gaining control of all three maj or acid gases along with HCl and HF which might be in the fluke gas. Since emanations of SO2 and NOx must maintain up certain emanation bounds, a individual procedure is more than plenty to cut down the capital cost by capturing all the acid gases and besides simplify the complexness of emanation control system. Presently there is no emanation bound on CO2 but clip is non far off when it will besides hold a restricted emanation bound. Sulpher dioxide and O in flue gases can bring on equipment corrosion ; the Aqua Ammonia Process can acquire over this job by cut downing absorptive make-up rate. Another advantage of the Aqua Ammonia procedure over the MEA procedure is that the energy demand for absorptive regeneration is predicted to be really low. Beforehand it was approximated that thermic energy ingestion for CO2 regeneration utilizing the Aqua Ammonia Process could be at least 75 % less than the MEA procedure. Many other economical grounds are besides at that place to back up the ammonium hydroxide procedure The profitable by-products, ammonium hydrogen carbonate ( NH4HCO3 ) ammonium sulphate ( ( NH4 ) 2SO4 ) and ammonium nitrate ( NH4NO3 ) are produced, used as a fertiliserAdvantage of production of NH4HCO3China had been preferring ammonium carbonate as a N fertiliser for about 30 old ages. It is already elaborated that when ammonium carbonate is used as a nitrogen fertiliser deep in the dirt its action of work is merely similar urea and ammonium sulfate. As we know that carbonates react with alkalic Earth minerals ( Ca, Mg ) ensuing in the formation of carbonated minerals. Excessive usage of land H2O may do high degrees of alkaline minerals in dirts as in the western United States ; the hydrogen carbonate from ammonium carbonate non merely neutralizes alkalic species but besides deoxidizes salt into stable compounds like H2O and Ca carbonate. HCO3-+Ca2++OH->H2O+CaCO3v Solid merchandises like CaCO3 are a absolutely stable signifier of cloistered CO2 ( Fig. ) . Furthermore, dirt had a capableness to move as a engagement stuff which held back NH4+ but allow HCO3- dribble down with rainfalls or irrigation to land H2O which was already enriched with alkalic minerals Ca2+ . Consequently carbonates reacted with alkalic minerals in land H2O ensuing in the deposition of carbonated minerals in the undersoil Earth bed ( fig. 5A ) . Dirt atoms are negatively charged therefore it attracts positively charged ions but repel negative ions due to its higher affinity for positively charged species ( NH4+ ) as compared to negatively charged species ( HCO3- ) .Figure 6:There upon when ammonium nitrate is used as a fertiliser, NO3- over flows with H2O which non merely consequences in the want of the fertiliser but besides taint of land H2O. Carbonates are non as unsafe species as nitrates because those do non do wellness jobs therefore NH4HCO3 and ( NH2 ) 2CO are preferred fertilisers. Groundwater motion takes carbonates to the Earth subsurface every bit deep as 500 to 1000 m where they deposits as carbonated mineralsFigure 7: Loss of fertiliser and taint of land H2O by utilizing NH4NO3It is obvious that use of NH4NO3 as fertiliser contaminates the land H2O and NO3- is easy run off where as when NH4HCO3 is used as a fertiliser could cut down the job of NO3- overflow and does non pollute the land H2O.MethodologyAqueous Ammonia ProcedureIt has been proposed that the widely utilised MEA procedure is replaced with aqueous ammonium hydroxide procedure to capture all three major acid gases ( SO2, NOx, CO2 ) plus HCl and HF, which may co-exist in the fluke gas. Since SO2 and NOx emanations must stay by with certain emanation bounds, a individual procedure to capture all acidic gases is expected to cut down the sum cost and complexness of emanation control systems. Unlike the MEA procedure, the Aqua Ammonia Process ( AAP ) is non expected to hold absorptive debasement jobs that are caused by sulfur dioxide and O in fluke gas nor is it expected to do equipment corrosion. The application of ammonium hydroxide for coincident decrease of SO2, NOx and quicksilver has besides been reported [ 31 ] . Different theoretical accounts and methods have been proposed and tested. In our theoretical account, we have chosen Aqueous ammonium hydroxide as the dissolver. The theoretical account was developed on HYSYS 3.2. General NRTL was selected as the fluid bundle. This unstable bundle is rather various and it non merely accommodates the belongingss of our system constituents but besides the aqueous and assorted solvent systems. The flow-sheet of our theoretical account is shown in Fig. 3 Flue gas enters the absorber from the underside to the top through the absorber where interacts in counter-clock manner with aqueous ammonium hydroxide dissolver ( NH3+H2O )Table 3: Flue gas composing from brick kilnSr. Number Component Mole Percentage 1 N2 71 2 Carbon dioxide 6.06 3 Carbon monoxide 3.94 4 NO2 8.89 5 Water 3.11 6 H2 2.12 7 SO2 4.88Procedure ChemistryThe procedure of soaking up of CO2 by aqueous ammonium hydroxide involves a complex chemical gas-liquid reaction [ 1 ] , whose general chemical reaction look follows: NH3+H2O+CO2>NH4HCO3 ( 1 ) In fact, there are a series of in-between reaction procedures incorporated: NH3+CO2>NH2COONH4 ( 2 ) NH2COONH4 hydrolyzes into NH4HCO3:NH2COONH4+H2O>NH4HCO3+NH3 ( 3 ) Besides, ammonium hydroxides can respond with H2O to make NH4OH: NH3+H2O>NH4OH ( 4 ) NH4HCO3 produced by hydrolytic reaction will respond with NH4OH to make ( NH4 ) 2CO3: NH4HCO3+NH4OH> ( NH4 ) 2CO3 ( 5 ) ( NH4 ) 2CO3 absorbs CO2 and creates NH4HCO3 ( NH4 ) 2CO3+H2O+CO2>2NH4HCO3 ( 6 ) Spraying aqueous ammonium hydroxide into fluke gas non merely captures CO2 but besides absorbs hints of SOx and NOx from the fluke gas in conformity with the undermentioned chemical equations: NOx+SOx+H2O>HNO3+H2SO4 ( 7 ) HNO3+H2SO4+NH3>NH4NO3+ ( NH4 ) 2SO4 ( 8 ) The merchandise formed ammonium hydrogen carbonate ( NH4HCO3 ) has been used as a N fertiliser in China for over 30 old ages. It has been good demonstrated that when NH4HCO3 is placed into deep dirt, its nitrogen fertilisation consequence on harvests is similar to that of other N fertilisers, such as ( NH4 ) 2SO4 and urea. The intent of this work is to relieve the emanation of CO2 from the selected brick kiln, as this gas is among the major perpetrators doing green-house consequence which has finally resulted in drastic and black conditions alterations and temperature-rise to alarming degrees across the Earth. Each twelvemonth the add-on of Carbon dioxide entirely from the brick industry of Pakistan is 35072.65. Gas soaking up has so far been the most utile and advantageous technique which has been covered good in the subdivision station C techniques. Experimental The CO2 soaking up rate surveies were performed in an absorber in dynamic simulation environment on hysys 3.2. shown in Figure 3. The temperature of gases breathing from top of the brick kilns is in the scope of 120 to 150 & A ; deg ; C. The composing of the flue gasses were found utilizing industrial burning and emanation analyser ( E8500, USA ) which is shown in Table 2. Aqueous Ammonia solution is passed through a ice chest in order to diminish the temperature of aqueous ammonium hydroxide temperature, as it gives best consequence at low temperature, introduced from top of the column through valve. The fluke gas is introduced through from the underside of an absorber through a pump that increases its flow rate. In absorber counter flow soaking up takes topographic point and as a consequence, most of the CO2, SOx and NOx are absorbed and a by-product, NH4HCO3, is produced, which is widely used as fertiliser.Figure 8: Procedure flow sheetAbsorber DesignIn our Hysys theoretical accou nt we selected an absorber for the soaking up of flue gases. We used different temperature force per unit area conditions for absorber in order to the happen the best soaking up efficiency and cipher the no. of phases. We found that after nine plates the soaking up efficiency is decreased as shown in graph, and maximal soaking up is achieved utilizing aqueous ammonium hydroxide in an absorber of nine home bases.Figure 9: No of phases Vs mole fraction of CO2 absorbedIn our HYSYS theoretical account, we varied different parametric quantities ( i.e. Temperature, Pressure, Flow-rate, Aqueous Ammonia concentration etc. ) and examined the resulting per centum of CO2 absorbed.Consequences and DiscussionThe rate of soaking up is affected by variables such as temperature, force per unit area, flow-rate, solvent per centum etc. all these variables were manipulated to analyze their consequence on soaking up with the aid of ensuing tabular arraies and tendencies. The consequences of all these p arametric alterations are discussed one by one.Consequence of Flow rate on CO2 Absorption:The consequences obtained by simulation of our HYSYS theoretical account show understanding with the standard findings that there is addition in soaking up with that of addition in flow rate. In our HYSYS theoretical account, we used different flow-rates and it has been found that soaking up efficiency is increased with addition of NH3/CO2 molar ratio as shown in Fig. At about a NH3/CO2 molar ratio of approximately 1.5, the highest CO2 soaking up efficiency was measured at approximately 97 % and 100 % for instance of NOx and SOx. In our simulation theoretical account at 230kgmole/hr the maximal soaking up of 97 % of CO2 is observed. At high flow rate i.e. after 230 kilogram mol/hr the consequence of flow rate on soaking up does non demo the same increasing tendency. Model with different fluctuation of temperature was simulated but here the coincident consequence of flow rate between 20 & A ; de g ; C to 30 & A ; deg ; C on soaking up of CO2 have been shownFigure 10: Molar ratio of NH3/CO2 Vs CO2 Absorbed %Figure 11: Consequence of flow rate of Aq.NH3 on soaking up of CO2Consequence of Temperature on CO2 Absorption:It is a good known fact that temperature is reciprocally related to the rate of soaking up, our simulation theoretical account besides gives the correspondent consequences. The system temperature was varied from 15 & A ; deg ; C to 40 & A ; deg ; C with different solvent per centum ( 10.5 % , 14 % and 20 % ) and there was a grade lessening in soaking up rate with the increasing temperature and addition in soaking up with lessening in temperature. The ensuing graph is shown.Figure 10: Consequence of Temperature on CO2 soaking upConsequence of NH3 concentration in solution on soaking up rateThe effects of ammonia concentration on CO2 soaking up rate are shown in graph. As the CO2 soaking up reaction progresses, the rates are higher for the solutions with higher amm onium hydroxide concentrations. As expected, CO2 took longer to divide through the solutions holding higher ammonia concentration. For overall absorptive of CO2, the information forms indicate out that it is more advantageous to utilize a higher concentration ammonia solution as CO2 absorbent. The decisions are the same at all three reaction temperatures. By utilizing 20 % AA at 15 & A ; deg ; C 96 % maximal soaking up is observed. Therefore 20 % AA solution was selected as the optimal solution.DecisionIn this work, a theoretical account has been developed and simulated, which aims at the control of CO2 gas which is continuously come ining to the environment from the brick industry in Pakistan and bring forth a fertiliser from the flue gases. It is for the first clip that the brick industry in Pakistan has been analyzed with this position that by spraying aqueous ammonium hydroxide into existent fluke gas produced by a brick kiln can non merely gaining control CO2 but besides absorb SO2 and NOx from the fluke gas a nd specially gives a compound fertiliser as a by-product.Presently, there is merely one known commercial procedure that uses ammonium hydroxide to at the same time take SO2 and NOx from fluke gas within one reactor and bring forth assorted ammonium sulfate and nitrate fertiliserThe soaking up efficiency of CO2, SO2, and NOx in existent fluke gas from a coal-burning installation varies depending on the reaction conditions. The soaking up efficiency of CO2 and SO2 was found to increase with an addition in the concentration of aqueous ammonium hydroxide. Over the NH3/CO2 molar ratio of 1 to 1.5 that was tested, and maximum the CO2 gaining control efficiency was measured at 1.5 is 97 % . The aqueous ammonium hydroxide soaking up solution was found to incorporate a assorted crystalline of ammonium hydrogen carbonate [ NH4HCO3 ] , ammonium sulphate [ ( NH4 ) 2SO4 ] , and ammonium nitrate [ NH4NO3theiˆ ] chief constituents of a compound fertiliser. The captive CO2 in the aqueous ammonium hydroxide solution is in the signifier of HCO3 – and CO3 -2. For a certain molar ratio of NH3/CO2, there is a balanced concentration of HCO3 – and CO3 -2 in the assorted ammonia solution. By spraying the assorted ammonia solution into flue gas incorporating CO2, higher NH4HCO3 content ( higher HCO3 – concentration ) in assorted solution can be obtained.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Application Letter Essay

I am writing to apply for the job of camp monitor at your residential summer camp advertised on your website. As requested I am enclosing my C.V. and all the certifications and references. I am a language student at the Official Language School (EOI) of Gandia. I have a good level of English, both written and spoken, therefore I can speak English very fluently. I also speak Spanish as my first language and German at Basic level. As you will see from my CV I have some relevant experience working with children as I have worked as a manager in a youth football team for two years, I also have worked teaching children how to swim, so I am used to work with them and prepare physical activities or games specially for them. I believe I would be suitable for the job advertised as, apart from my experience, I am a cheerful person who gets on well with children and enjoys working with them, I am very good working in a team and not only I can teach them how to swim, play football, and other sports or games, I also know some useful survival skills I can teach in an entertaining way, so they can learn while having fun. I attach a full CV, and if you require any further information, I would be happy to provide it. I can be reached anytime via email at

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Lutheranism

Lutheranism Lutheranism is a major Protestant denomination which originated as a 16th-century movement. Martin Luther led it. Luther was a German Augustinian monk and professor of theology. He originally planned to reform the Western Christian church. Luther and his followers were excommunicated by the pop, however, Lutheranism developed in a number of separate national and territorial churches. This indicated the breakup of the organizational unity of Western Christendom. The largest Protestant denomination in the world is Lutheranism, with about 80 million members According to the teachings of Lutheranism a human being is considered a sinner and is unable to contribute to their liberation. Salvation is not dependent of worthiness or merit but is a gift of God’s grace. Lutherans believe that faith in God is the only way to salvation. To Lutherans baptism is the signification of God’s unconditional love. From the beginning the methods of worship in the Lutheran church diverged from those of the Roman Catholic Church. The language they worshiped was conducted in the language of the people instead of in Latin. They were really into congregational participation such as singing and worship. In the Lutheran celebration of Eucharist, the bread and wine were given to everyone, unlike the Roman Catholics who gave it only to the priests. The European Lutheran churches are closely tied to their respective governments as established churches Political events greatly influenced the early development of Lutheranism. Because the Turks were threatening the empire, emperor Charles V was unable to suppress Lutheranism. The movement continued to spread, despite the Edict of Worms that placed the Lutherans under imperial ban. Intermittent religious wars followed, ending in the peace of augsburg which to a certain extent sanctioned Lutheran churches. The reform movement called pietism, which began in the late 17th century, st... Free Essays on Lutheranism Free Essays on Lutheranism Lutheranism Lutheranism is a major Protestant denomination which originated as a 16th-century movement. Martin Luther led it. Luther was a German Augustinian monk and professor of theology. He originally planned to reform the Western Christian church. Luther and his followers were excommunicated by the pop, however, Lutheranism developed in a number of separate national and territorial churches. This indicated the breakup of the organizational unity of Western Christendom. The largest Protestant denomination in the world is Lutheranism, with about 80 million members According to the teachings of Lutheranism a human being is considered a sinner and is unable to contribute to their liberation. Salvation is not dependent of worthiness or merit but is a gift of God’s grace. Lutherans believe that faith in God is the only way to salvation. To Lutherans baptism is the signification of God’s unconditional love. From the beginning the methods of worship in the Lutheran church diverged from those of the Roman Catholic Church. The language they worshiped was conducted in the language of the people instead of in Latin. They were really into congregational participation such as singing and worship. In the Lutheran celebration of Eucharist, the bread and wine were given to everyone, unlike the Roman Catholics who gave it only to the priests. The European Lutheran churches are closely tied to their respective governments as established churches Political events greatly influenced the early development of Lutheranism. Because the Turks were threatening the empire, emperor Charles V was unable to suppress Lutheranism. The movement continued to spread, despite the Edict of Worms that placed the Lutherans under imperial ban. Intermittent religious wars followed, ending in the peace of augsburg which to a certain extent sanctioned Lutheran churches. The reform movement called pietism, which began in the late 17th century, st...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Reasons for Napoleons Defeat essays

Reasons for Napoleon's Defeat essays Why Were the French Armies Eventually Defeated by 1815? Up until 1807, the grande arme of France was very successful, never losing on land. They defeated the Austrians and Prussians at Austerlitz in 1805, the Prussians at Jena in 1806, and the Russians again in 1807 at Friedland, followed by the signing of the Treaty of Tilsit. However, it wasnt until the start of the Peninsular War in Iberia in 1808 that chinks began to appear in Napoleons seemingly invincible armour. Reasons for the eventual defeat of the French army include the drain on resources the Iberian campaign brought, modernisation of the armies of Napoleons enemies, and also better communication and unity between Frances many enemies, leading to his defeat at Leipzig in The Battle of the Nations in 1813, and then Waterloo in 1815. However, the most important reason for the eventual defeat of the French armies is Napoleons generalship after 1807. After the coup of 18 Brumaire, Napoleon was both the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the grande arme. This gave him total control, whether it was in new campaigns or the need for new equipment he didnt have to answer to anyone, and so if he needed more men he simply ordered that they be gathered. Large losses didnt matter, as there was no-one to protest against him. However, the strains of having to appear in total command both of France and its armies eventually took its toll on Napoleon, leading to some personal decline. He started to suffer from piles, and bladder and stomach problems. He would have outbursts of anger and hysteria, and became more intolerant of other peoples views, and so wouldnt take advice. An example of this was when, against advice he had been given, chose not try and envelope Kutusovs forces to cut them off from their supplies. The battle resulted in heavy losses on both sides, with the Ru...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ap Us History Dbq

APUSH DBQ 6 All throughout the 1800s, slavery was a very controversial topic. During the 1860 election, Abraham Lincoln was asked about his views on slavery. He simply stated that he would do anything with slavery to preserve the union. A few months later, Lincoln issued the Emancipation and this went slightly against what he had said earlier. Once this was issued, the preservation of the Union and the abolition of slavery became the main goal in the war. I believe that Lincolns main goal was to preserve the Union and although he felt that slavery was morally wrong, he was willing to do anything to keep it together. There were many instances where Lincoln made his beliefs on slavery very clear. Although he believed that it was morally wrong, he still did not believe that blacks should have the same rights as an american. He wanted them to be free. Just free somewhere else. During his presidency he tried very hard to do whatever needed to be done to preserve the Union. Lincoln restated this again in August of 1863 when he reminded people of the democratic party that the civil war was being fought in an effort to put the Union back together. Feelings on slavery did not matter but freeing slaves would make things easier because Confederate war effort would become more difficult. I march of 1862, Lincoln decided that it would be best to award states that freed their slaves with money. With this, people were not able to say that they didnt receive money for getting rid of slavery. This was simply a bribe though. He was not forcing anyone to abolish slavery and it was completely the states decision. Although that made the thought of abolition seem less awful to the confederates, they were still unsure. When speaking to a Committee of Religious Denominations of Chicago in September of that same year, Lincoln admitted that slavery was a big part of rebellion. He also stated that emancipation would prove to Europe that the U. S. had morals (image of strong ally). Emancipation would then also weaken the rebels by taking their laborers. Although this was a good plan, people were also still curious as to what would happen to all of the freed black people because they are uneducated and not smart enough to do the average white persons work. Fredrick Douglas, brought up the idea of letting black people fight in the war, and Lincoln felt that it was a good thing for blacks to do. 54th Massachusetts was famous because it was the first all black regiment. All black people fought for free until they were seen as equal. At first, Lincoln was scared that they would not be good soldiers and they would not be loyal to the fellow troops. Another fear he had was that White regiments would be angry and refuse to fight. 54th Massachusetts did the assault on fort Wagner and although there were many casualties, they continued to fight. This impressed both Sherman and Grant. That concern was put aside when all the focus was pointed towards Lincoln during his famous Gettysburg address in July of 1863. During the historic speech, he stated that all men were created equal and pointed out that during the revolution, they fought for equality of all men. This meant that by having slavery, they were lying about the revolution. Lincoln made it a point to say that were an example to all other countries that wanted democracy. He called the United States a â€Å"test case† with slavery. They had to keep fighting for those who already died or they might as well have a monarchy. Everything was going smoothly until there was a race riot later that year. White people were beating up black people because they felt that they were stealing their jobs. Buckner was confused because these northern people were treating blacks like southerners. Abusing them and refusing to draft. He pointed out that the black people were fighting for a country that didnt even appreciate them. The memorable statement of his speech was that the freed men were braver than all the men in that room combined. As people argued about whether slavery should be abolished or not, Lincoln always made it clear that the one thing he cared about the most was the preservation of the Union. The southern states mainly insisted on keeping slaver for economic needs and the North was more open to the idea of abolition because they did not need slave help. With such a controversial topic, it was hard to compromise but with Lincolns will to do anything, the Union was once again united.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Quatitative Data Anaylsis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Quatitative Data Anaylsis - Research Paper Example The study type would be quantitative; the researcher will circulate a questionnaire to gather data on the tested variables. This primarily is a correlation study, since the researcher is interested in discerning the important variables associated with the phenomenon. The researcher will conduct this study in a non-contrived setting because the researcher is interested in assess the working of these variables in a natural setting. Moreover, this type of study can be classified as a field study as the researcher will have to visit the organizations in order to understand the working of these variables. The survey tool used is a questionnaire that was developed by another researcher by the name of Bass (Obiwuru, Okuw, Akpa, and Nwankwere, 2011). Variables: Independent Variables: Transformational Leadership: this type of leadership evokes underlying emotions about work in the employees and motivates them to go beyond their current level of work. Transactional leadership: this type of lea dership considers reward as an appropriate return for a certain piece of work from the employees. Dependent Variables: Employee extra effort Employee work satisfaction and effectiveness Employee productivity and loyalty. Hypothesis: Ho: there is no relationship between leadership style and organizational performance of small enterprises. Ha: there is a relationship between leadership style and organizational performance of small enterprises. ... Tool used to measure the independent variable: In this research, the researcher made use of E-views software to understand the relationship of independent and dependent variables. The data collected was coded in order to enter the stats into the statistical software. Statistical Assumptions of Regression Analysis: The reason behind the use of this tool is to make a model of the variables of the study and analyze the changes that happen in a dependent variable when one of the independent variable changes. Linear regression also finds its utility when a researcher wants to use a predictive model to analyze an observed data set. Also a regression analysis is used when a researcher is up against a data that is linear, has a weak exogeneity, constant variance, and lack multi-co linearity. Statistical Results of the hypothesis: Transactional leadership Style: Coefficient of determination=R2 = 0.486445 F-Test= 1.8944 Transformational leadership Style: Coefficient of determination=R2 = 0.968 929 F-Test= 109.144 Characteristics of the data: The data collected through the questionnaire is quantitative figures. Since each variable was ascribed a code after incorporating it in the questionnaire, therefore this data collect is in coded form and behind every code is a variable. Once data gets arranged in a tabular form, the codes are decoded and actual variables are substituted in their place to reveal the true nature of the relationship. Appropriateness of the Statistical procedure: Since the data collect has multiple variables behind it, which are defining the relationship between independent and dependent variable, therefore it is important to see the collective impact of these variables. So a multiple

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2

Leadership - Essay Example Moreover, good leadership engenders the quality of inspiration over coercion; choosing to allow for the possibility of trailblazing new ideas rather than merely following a prescriptive playbook of actions based upon needs. Further, leadership, although prized and likely a commodity that is lacking within the current professional and political world, is not often appreciated within many of the largest multinational corporations throughout the world. This is of course due to the fact that oftentimes management is expected to be carried out utilizing a rather formulaic approach that does not rely upon the leadership capacity or imagination of the individual. However, leadership itself entails a great deal more than mere direction. Corollary parts of trust, belief, and mutual understanding between people are necessary components that cannot and should not be diminished. With respect to what leadership means to me, the answer to this deviates slightly from the textbook definition of what defines leadership. In this way, leadership must engender a great deal of selflessness, tacit yet clearly discernible levels of trust, and the continual dedication to considering the needs of those under your supervision prior to your own needs (Mutalib & Ghani, 2013). As a function of defining and understanding these nuanced concepts to a greater degree, the following analysis will focus upon understanding the following quote: â€Å"A leader’s true test is his or her ability to inspire behavioural changes required to transform organizational performance throughout the ranks† (Caldwell et al., 2012). This will in turn be analyzed leveraging an appreciation for the many schools of management theory that have existed and been promoted throughout the years; attempting to gain a level of oversight with regards to how leadership is viewed as a transformational process through which greater degrees of cohesion and increasing levels of utility/profitability can be engaged. B efore delving into the step-by-step discussion of how the different management theories relate to an interpretation of leadership within the current model, it must be understood that leadership and management are two distinctly interconnected concepts. Whereas management refers to the actual process of accomplishing tasks, focusing resources, and mitigating risks, leadership engenders a more nuanced and personal understanding of how a given individual can encourage cooperation and respect within the employees/stakeholders in question (Mayer et al., 2012). By much the same token, management has a number of roles and functions whereas leadership is not judged by easily quantifiable metrics. For instance, management roles and functions can include, but are not limited to, decision-making, problem-solving, motivation, influencing, negotiating, delegation, and communication. This is not meant to state that leadership does not engender many of the same requirements. However, leadership is something that should not be understood to exist wholly separate from the management process. Rather, the two, in an ideal interpretation and application, must exist side-by-side as a means of providing the best overall product and experience to all individuals involved within the process (Muethel et al., 2012). In such a way, one of the best means of measuring effective leadership is to seek to engage with effective management and ensure that these determinants are met first and foremost. Only once effective management is realized, can true leadership tickets form. This is not to state that leadership must follow managerial process and/or theory 100% of the time. Rather, past instances have proven that many times there is a market deviation from standard managerial protocol and the

Conceptual Blending Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conceptual Blending - Assignment Example This paper will base its focus on identifying the first concept that will be appropriate for the process from a selected reference point. Secondly, it will give the other concept whose fusion with the first will bring out the third and final concept. The second concept will also be from a selected source on a reference manual. The last part of this paper will highlight the concept blending process bringing out the new applicable concept. It will include illustrations to try to bring out the aspects required in a more clear and visual way. In essence, all institutions or organizations are organized systems. This means that the departments within it are interrelated and rely on each other for the overall well functioning of the institution. In addition, there are two systems popularly visible in an organizational structure. First, there is the open system whose main influence is the outside surroundings and is the most reckoned system. People within this form of system tend to be accepting to outside forces therefore not limiting their level of interaction with the outside surrounding. Secondly, there is the closed system whose focus is on those within the organizations borders. These systems have reserved nature with limited outside communication to its environs there fore making it less privileged to what its surroundings have to offer. In this regard, the ideal first concept for this paper would be the open system that is easier to work with. An illustration at this point would be useful to paint the picture that th is point puts across. In identifying the second concept, immediacy would be the ideal choice for this. Immediacy is the level of percept of physical attachment between individuals working in an organization. This would involve the office sitting arrangement, eye contact ability of the employees while at their workstations and also the general

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Economic Opportunities Available for African American Women Essay

Economic Opportunities Available for African American Women - Essay Example Both males and females of African ancestry often face discrimination in different aspects of their lives, ranging from educational opportunities to provision of healthcare services and employment in the labor market. Extensive research has been conducted to shed more light on various impacts of racial and gender discrimination, such as low self-esteem, poor performance of students at schools and employees at the workplace, as well as and low economic growth and development. Blacks also have greater health issues such as prolonged depression, increased suicides, more AIDS and a reduced sense of personal achievement, along with a much higher death rate for many of the leading causes of premature demise (Williams 2001). Many research studies have also been conducted to determine the best possible solutions to solve problems related to these effects of discrimination. However, very little research has ever been conducted to determine how racial and gender discrimination has adversely aff ected the economic capabilities of African-American women. With this in mind, this research study hypothesizes that gender and race are the major sources of discrimination and have the most difficult effects on the economic capabilities of African-American women. ... A new aim of recent research studies by economists studying the labor market has been to determine the implications of racial discrimination for victims and other members of that particular race. For example, racial discrimination against African-Americans is known to reduce possibilities of employment in many multinational organizations. Furthermore, previous studies have found that discrimination mostly results from gender differences, amongst other factors. However, these past research studies have failed to determine the various effects of racial and gender discrimination on economic opportunities available to African-American women. Therefore, there is a great need to study the adverse effects of discrimination on economic opportunities available to African-American women. Sellers and Shelton (2008) argue that African-American women are at greater risk of gender discrimination due to social stereotypes, unequal income distribution, limited rights to productive inputs, such as cr edit facilities or financial loans, property ownership, and management of earned income as well as other race-related biases. By definition, racial discrimination refers to an act of maltreating an individual or a group of individuals based on their race. For example, an African-American woman may not be warmly welcomed in activities of a local church that is dominated by white Americans due to her skin color. Puhl et al.’s (2008) definition of racial discrimination usually includes distinction, restriction, or preference of an individual based on his or her skin color, race, or ethnic origin. This paper aims to examine what the effects of discrimination based on gender and race is like for

Engineering semulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Engineering semulation - Essay Example There are four tasks to be done: first is to show how to plot a specific behaviour of a system; the second task is about choosing the suitable time step for the simulation; in the third task I have to find the best spring stiffness, under certain speed and the last task is to describe the experience of using COSMOSMOTIONS and highlighting its advantages and disadvantages This sub-assembly has two rocker arms, two valves and a camshaft. It has to be analyzed. The least contact force between the rocker and the camshaft is to be found by varying (changing) the spring stiffness. I deleted the lower parts of the complex system as seen in the picture. If it was included, the program will take too much time to calculate such a complex system. For task 1 to plot the contact force, linear velocity and linear acceleration charts, the motor speed was kept at 100 rpm. This is the linear velocity chart. The chart shows the rocker speed first rises up as the rocker rises and reaches a point where the speed becomes zero. Then speed starts decreasing while the rocker is retrieving its position. This motion is periodic and is repeated continuously. Task two: controlling the accuracy in the simulation. The size of the time step is an important factor which affects the error in the simulation. Larger time step increases the error and a very small time step will cause the simulation program to take too much time to calculate; a suitable time step is to be chosen. The program has 98.7% probability that it’s accurate and the 2.3% probability is for a value between 317 and the first 42 value on the force chart. I select the second accurate time step which is 0.00001 for the best efficiency and results in the minimum time. Choosing smaller time step will take more time to calculate, without any improvement in accuracy: Task 2 ends here. For task 3, I set motor speed to 7800 rpm and find

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Conceptual Blending Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conceptual Blending - Assignment Example This paper will base its focus on identifying the first concept that will be appropriate for the process from a selected reference point. Secondly, it will give the other concept whose fusion with the first will bring out the third and final concept. The second concept will also be from a selected source on a reference manual. The last part of this paper will highlight the concept blending process bringing out the new applicable concept. It will include illustrations to try to bring out the aspects required in a more clear and visual way. In essence, all institutions or organizations are organized systems. This means that the departments within it are interrelated and rely on each other for the overall well functioning of the institution. In addition, there are two systems popularly visible in an organizational structure. First, there is the open system whose main influence is the outside surroundings and is the most reckoned system. People within this form of system tend to be accepting to outside forces therefore not limiting their level of interaction with the outside surrounding. Secondly, there is the closed system whose focus is on those within the organizations borders. These systems have reserved nature with limited outside communication to its environs there fore making it less privileged to what its surroundings have to offer. In this regard, the ideal first concept for this paper would be the open system that is easier to work with. An illustration at this point would be useful to paint the picture that th is point puts across. In identifying the second concept, immediacy would be the ideal choice for this. Immediacy is the level of percept of physical attachment between individuals working in an organization. This would involve the office sitting arrangement, eye contact ability of the employees while at their workstations and also the general

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Engineering semulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Engineering semulation - Essay Example There are four tasks to be done: first is to show how to plot a specific behaviour of a system; the second task is about choosing the suitable time step for the simulation; in the third task I have to find the best spring stiffness, under certain speed and the last task is to describe the experience of using COSMOSMOTIONS and highlighting its advantages and disadvantages This sub-assembly has two rocker arms, two valves and a camshaft. It has to be analyzed. The least contact force between the rocker and the camshaft is to be found by varying (changing) the spring stiffness. I deleted the lower parts of the complex system as seen in the picture. If it was included, the program will take too much time to calculate such a complex system. For task 1 to plot the contact force, linear velocity and linear acceleration charts, the motor speed was kept at 100 rpm. This is the linear velocity chart. The chart shows the rocker speed first rises up as the rocker rises and reaches a point where the speed becomes zero. Then speed starts decreasing while the rocker is retrieving its position. This motion is periodic and is repeated continuously. Task two: controlling the accuracy in the simulation. The size of the time step is an important factor which affects the error in the simulation. Larger time step increases the error and a very small time step will cause the simulation program to take too much time to calculate; a suitable time step is to be chosen. The program has 98.7% probability that it’s accurate and the 2.3% probability is for a value between 317 and the first 42 value on the force chart. I select the second accurate time step which is 0.00001 for the best efficiency and results in the minimum time. Choosing smaller time step will take more time to calculate, without any improvement in accuracy: Task 2 ends here. For task 3, I set motor speed to 7800 rpm and find

Greed, Need and Money, Walter Williams Essay Example for Free

Greed, Need and Money, Walter Williams Essay In the article entitled, Greed, Need and Money, Walter Williams presents his take on the economics and logic of keeping CEOs highly paid. He essentially argues that these huge â€Å"golden parachutes† and corporate salaries are justified by return that these companies get in return. Just because a CEO gets a high salary does not mean that he does not deserve it or do anything to help the company recover that value. By comparing this to a simple supply and demand model, Walter Williams is able to show that the reason the salaries are so high is because the demand is high as well and supply is pretty scarce. One manner by which the mention of the word greed can be applied to the economic lessons that have been discussed is to juxtapose this to the application of greed as an economic theory. Greed can be said to be the primal instinct for self-preservation of people. In an attempt to protect one’s self, man seeks only to pursue his individual interests without care for the well-being of others. In relation to economics, this pursuit of individual interests is greed or the pursuit of economic self-interests, otherwise known as individual wealth accumulation. Greed as a driving force is not an entirely new concept as it was originally part of the Invisible Hand theory introduced by Adam Smith. The basic precept of the invisible hand is that in a free market a person who chooses to be greedy and pursue his own interests in invariably also furthering the good of the entire community. A perfect example is in a situation where a person seeks to maximize his personal profits in total disregard of other factors. By applying the Invisible Hand theory of Adam Smith, it can be shown that when the total revenue of society is calculated this becomes identical to the summation of the individual revenues of every member of that society. In order to arrive at a better understanding of how greed, which is a key concept under the Invisible Hand Theory, both drives and regulates capitalist markets, it is essential to have a brief discussion of the basic supply and demand model. This is because production is driven by the willingness of the seller to supply and the basic goal of every seller is to increase profits (greed). This can be understood from two approaches, however, the first being profit maximization through an increase in the volume of units sold (assuming ceteris paribus) and the second being profit maximization through a decrease in the cost of the factors of production which in turn increases the profit margins per unit sold. The basic supply-demand model becomes critical in this understanding because under the market model sales will only willingly occur at the equilibrium point. The price level of a good essentially is determined by the point at which quantity supplied equals quantity demanded. The law of supply and demand predicts that the price level will move toward the point that equalizes quantities supplied and demanded. Greed is crucial in this sense because it is the basic assumption or behavior under this model. Without greed, there would be no drive for the individuals in society to pursue their own self-interests. The absence of this driving mechanism would mean that there will be no individual revenues and thus leading to the failure of the community revenue to equalize with its summation. This basically means that society’s scarce resources become more efficiently allocated through the regulatory nature of greed in capitalist markets. While the Invisible Hand theory has already been rejected as an acceptable economic model by the works of John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman, the more complex markets of today have shown that the pursuit of self-interests, while natural of human behavior, must be regulated by external systems in order to ensure a more equitable and efficient allocation of resources. This means that greed is not necessarily good in today’s current economic situation. As used in this discussion and in the article, this greed may not only be the effect of supply and demand but the pursuits of an individual’s self-interests for the improvement of the economic system.