Saturday, October 5, 2019

Geographic development of New England Colonies and affects of Research Paper

Geographic development of New England Colonies and affects of Mayflower Compact - Research Paper Example The New England Colonies was a result of the lack of religious freedom in England. When the Puritans immigrated to America, they started colonies where there leaders emphasized Christianity. This group of people were referred to as Puritans since they sought to purify the churches in the New England (Pastoor 388). The authorities banned those who did not agree with them from the colonies to go and initiate their own colonies. Rapid growth of New England colonies was a result of rebels who built colonies of their own. Currently, the New England states are Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire as well as Rhode Island (Bremer55). The geographical location of the Puritans was defined as the part of America that in breath was from 40 to 48 degrees of the north latitude (Bremer 550). The location in length was across the mainland from sea to sea. Agriculture practices of the Puritans went hand in hand with the nature of the environment they lived in. The Puritans cultivated most of their food. They also began fishing and lumbering also took charge. The soil was however thin and rocky hence they could not cultivate cash crops. Because of the nature of the soil, they believed it was a sign from God that encouraged them to work harder in their farms (Pastoor 388). They also kept dairy cattle and the geographical layout supported this economic activity. The Connecticut River valley provided water as well as pasture for the cattle (Bremer 55). The native species of grasses in the bottom and upper locations of the river grew in red sandstone soil, which was the best of soils (Bremer 55). While religion and politics w as the centre of attraction, the Puritans sough to concentrate on the higher pastures, the good soil and practical agricultural use of the same soil. The Puritans were industrious and built a strong economic base. They participated in slave trade; they made and sold iron, pots, kettles and a variety of tools in other

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