Sunday, October 20, 2019

Reasons for Napoleons Defeat essays

Reasons for Napoleon's Defeat essays Why Were the French Armies Eventually Defeated by 1815? Up until 1807, the grande arme of France was very successful, never losing on land. They defeated the Austrians and Prussians at Austerlitz in 1805, the Prussians at Jena in 1806, and the Russians again in 1807 at Friedland, followed by the signing of the Treaty of Tilsit. However, it wasnt until the start of the Peninsular War in Iberia in 1808 that chinks began to appear in Napoleons seemingly invincible armour. Reasons for the eventual defeat of the French army include the drain on resources the Iberian campaign brought, modernisation of the armies of Napoleons enemies, and also better communication and unity between Frances many enemies, leading to his defeat at Leipzig in The Battle of the Nations in 1813, and then Waterloo in 1815. However, the most important reason for the eventual defeat of the French armies is Napoleons generalship after 1807. After the coup of 18 Brumaire, Napoleon was both the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the grande arme. This gave him total control, whether it was in new campaigns or the need for new equipment he didnt have to answer to anyone, and so if he needed more men he simply ordered that they be gathered. Large losses didnt matter, as there was no-one to protest against him. However, the strains of having to appear in total command both of France and its armies eventually took its toll on Napoleon, leading to some personal decline. He started to suffer from piles, and bladder and stomach problems. He would have outbursts of anger and hysteria, and became more intolerant of other peoples views, and so wouldnt take advice. An example of this was when, against advice he had been given, chose not try and envelope Kutusovs forces to cut them off from their supplies. The battle resulted in heavy losses on both sides, with the Ru...

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