Sunday, June 16, 2019

Failure of the UN in Preventing Rwandas Genocide Dissertation

Failure of the UN in Preventing Rwandas Genocide - Dissertation ExampleThe international community and the United Nations failed to prevent the atrocity when they could have step ind.A racial extermination is not an accident that can happen all over sudden or without warning. It requires organization and constitutes a deliberate strategy, especially one that has been carried out by the government or state-controlled apparatus. Information on the way genocide occurs and ability the to recognize signs that could result in genocide is necessary to avoid much(prenominal) horror incidents. For the case of Rwanda, the signs of an impending genocide were evident, yet those who could have prevented it neglected all warnings.The international communitys reluctance to act can be attributed to numerous interconnected multifaceted issues, such as the misguided views of Africans, peacekeeping fatigue and the bureaucratic nature of the United Nations. The United States was not ready to interven e because the events of Somalia were still raw, and they didnt we didnt lose soldiers like it in Somalia (Uvin 2001). The United Nations was also not willing to engage in another peacekeeping mission in Africa, by and by the protracted one in Somalia.The second reason for inaction was due to national interests, and United Sthe rates did not intervene because they did not have either national interest at stake in Rwanda. For France, they should have prevented the genocide but rather, they facilitated it further by providing ammunition and weapons. The media also failed to report on the genocide hence there was no pressure.

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