Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Three Ideological Elements on Totalitarianism Essay

The Three Ideological Elements on Totalitarianism - Essay ExampleAmerican Revolution focused more on the governmental independence instead of the basic economic needs. She also determines an important link between the constitution and revolution fundamentalitarianism and modernism and post modernism and ideology and terror. mental institution Totalitarianism has been the driving wad for the political and philosophical debates for centuries, resulting in direct questioning of the ideological thinking of the time which induces a person or ordering to act in accordance with the existing system. Hannah Arendt can be considered a feminist authority on the political debates which as emerged in the context of Totalitarianism. Her political philosophy is diverse and challenging has been nurtured for the sole purpose of evoking strong desire for freedom and emancipation which has been the core force leading to revolutions around the world. This element is in truth significant in the forc es which lead to American and French revolution. The issue of totalitarianism is as present today as it was centuries ago, it is the push for domination leading towards barbarous and terror experienced by the dominant society, in which the strings of control lies in the hands of selected few autocratic and power hungry people care Hitler and Stalin. Her phenomenal attention to the understanding of the ideology behind totalitarianism is rooted in the concept of total domination (Bernestein, 2002). According to Arendt total domination, strives to organize the infinite plurality and specialism of human beings as if all of humanity were just one individual .... The problem is to fabricate something that does not exist, namely, a kind of human species resembling other animate being species whose only freedom would consist in preserving the species. Totalitarian domination attempts to achieve this goal through ideological indoctrination of the elite formations and through absolute ter ror in the camps. . .(Arendt, 1968,pg.438). The absorption and extermination camps symbolize this logic of total domination(Bernstein,2002) they are the laboratories in which the ideological conviction that everything is possible(Bernstein,2002) is tested.Her insightful analysis of the political thought draws its force from the general political concepts which are seated in the core drivers of the political vehicle like authority, power, state and sovereignty. She evaluates the ideologies in the light of the totalitarian movement for total domination and its terror filled impact on the human race leading to revolutions and global political changes. She aims to integrate the phenomenological prioritization which is based on experiential feature of speech of the human race and attempts to uncover the fundamental structures of the political experience through the ages of turmoil, revolution and political changes. Arendts phenomenological approach aims to investigate the availability of the structures and the characteristics of the political being as distinct from the moral, practical, artistic, productive and other forms of life. Her work focuses on the human action oriented with labour, action and work which are the characteristics used to uncover the phenomenologi

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