Tuesday, September 10, 2019

BIOGRAPHICAL STUDY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BIOGRAPHICAL STUDY - Assignment Example In this process, data from a number of academic sources and bible verses is analyzed in order to determine Jesus’ relationship with his disciples. In particular, the relationship between Jesus and Peter is analyzed to determine its effect on Peter’s life. Ideally, the academic sources and scriptures provide deep insight into the social-religious life of the time, and by extension, how Peter adopted to this life. The paper begins by generally looking at the relationship between Jesus and all his disciples. This information is well written by Foster (2007, pp.1) concerning how makes the disciples feel like they are part of Jesus’ family, although there are times when Jesus refers to God as â€Å"my Father† thus emphasizing a more personal relationship between him and God. Despite showing love to all his disciples, Jesus was particularly fond of Peter as several versus in the bible can reveal. For instance, according to Shepherd (2010, pp. 780) in John 13:33, Jesus insists that the disciples must not go with him but says that later on, Peter will go where Jesus was unable to go. Jesus’ love for Peter is also evident in the Bible, where after Peter identifies Jesus as the son of God and Jesus in return blesses Peter (Matthew 16:17). This blessing is interesting because after all the miracles and good deeds Jesus had performed, any of his disciples would have called him the son of God. However, Jesus chooses to bless Peter instead, saying that such revelation could only come from God. In order to strengthen Peter’s faith in God, Jesus put Peter through several tests. For instance, in John 21 Jesus asks Peter whether he loves Jesus more than he loves all other things (Ramelli 2008, pp. 334). Peter replies in the affirmative but later on in the same evening, Peter denies Jesus three times, denying that he is a disciple of Jesus. In another instance, in Matthew 14: 22-33, Jesus comes to the

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