Sunday, September 1, 2019

My Narrative Report in Pal

Internship or on the job training is one way by which we students are given an opportunity to apply the theories and computations that we have learned from school. It also helps us to obtain applicable knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. Earful tool and possibly even a source of recommendation when they take that big lift from being students to career professionals. The On-The-Job Training (OJT) is one of the requirements in order for a student to be able to graduate from college and to become a professional. This training prepares the students to practice their profession. Thus, in adjusting one’s self and mingling to others one must cope up with the different standards and attitudes of the people in a particular field of industry. It is also a bridge to enhance the students’ skills that should be an advantage when they finally land a job. It’s proven and well tested! Experience is definitely the best teacher. There are countless things that I’ve learned during my On-the-Job Training at Philippine Airlines. Being in a new and never-been-to environment was a big challenge to me. I exerted great effort to cope up with the means and manner of living of the new environment that I’d indulged into. I did my best to blend in and went in with the flow of what the real world is offering. One of the requirements as graduating students of the College of Arts and Letter is On-the-Job Training. This Training exposes us to the real environment of a certain organization. Thus, adjusting oneself and mingling others is a must to cope up with different standards and attitudes of every individual in a particular field of industry. In furtherance, OJT will be a bridge to enhance our skills in communication and technical activities that makes it a plus point the sooner we landed a job and help ease the culture shock while dealing with different specialized people of their expertise. I went to other organizations to have an OJT but sad to say there were already different students from different schools who had come first to conduct an OJT. I was already desperate, hopeless and we’re running out of time. I came up with a decision and suddenly an idea flashed in my mind â€Å"Why not try Philippine Airlines? Due to lack of time, I went directly to the Branch Manager of Philippine Airlines, Legazpi City and submit a letter for approval in conducting an OJT in their organization. Knowing that I already accepted to conduct an OJT, my worries were then blown up by the wind as if my heart felt empty with thorn and pains of miseries. The manager told us the Don’ts and Do’s in the company like; Doâ⠂¬â„¢s: Wearing of Formal Attire Good Grooming Be On Time Don’ts: Do not go out in the Airline field without wearing a vest. Do not wear slippers Do not wear â€Å"maong† pants Don’t be shy Then my journey started in PAL†¦ my first week was a disastrous one. Why? Exactly 8am on the very first day of my report in the office the router was damaged due to faulty electrical wiring of transformer by ALECO. So all the computer transaction were then changed to manual type. The manager let me stay in his office for an hour or so because of what had happened. In that day I was oriented on what to do and exposes to other employees as well. And hey, before I forgot I have a company from other school, they are from La Consolacion College of Iriga City, a Tourism student. At first I am shy to them, I didn’t talk to them I just stayed in the office of the manager, but because of their super-duper nice approach to me and to their super friendly attitude we become friends. They guide and teach me what to do. My co-OJT named Margarette, Angela, Erika and Rhea. I learned more about what OJT means and to be patient is more important when you have a relationship to other people especially when you do not know them well. I had encountered different attitudes between clients and my employer, they have more jokes than us and we have to be sports and control our feelings. I meet new friends inside the company even though they have more guys than girls. I have a new co-OJT trainee after the first batch had been finished their 180 hours, named Makie, Eunice, Marieson and Shiryne. They are a tourism student from Iriga City also to be exact a classmates of my co-OJT the other month. They are a nice person and kind to me. And because of that I let them fill in to my ever loving slum book. Hehehe Check in Area I was trained on what specific things to do in the check in area like weighing the baggage’s, tagging with an international, local, perishable, push ups and fragile stickers and of the course adding baggage number and how it weighs. I was told also the allowed kilo of baggage and allowed kilo of hand carry. I was assigned also to PAL number seats in rows and columns. On the second day I was trained on what to do in the manual system. It was so strenuous even the employees were busy that time. I assist them at the back and I am always alert to avoid destruction. I was oriented also about the mandatory elements and the cleanliness around the check in area. Ticketing Office I was assigned in answering the phone for clients who wants to inquire in a specific date of flight, lucky you are if the customer is in good mood. I also type in the Documental Transmittal or Acknowledgement Receipt, Shipping Order ( I type certain records then pass it to the cargo area) Updated forms (air them back to Manila) I also do an accounting like the domestic sales report. I was also assigned to print the tickets and pass it the cashier. In ticketing area I was then given a short examination by one of the employees on how to use the electronic system of ticketing. Sir Mayor taught me how to do the work. Food Well, as part of my on-the-job training in the Philippine Airlines, I was part to the group to feed the tummy of my sir and maam. My co-trainee said that we need to prepare a food when we done our training. So I joined the group. I contributed 200php for the food. Then, there my OJT ends.

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