Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Grafting Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Grafting - Term Paper Example Grafting of appropriate plants result in improved hardiness in plants, hardiness refers to the ability of a plant to endure harsh climatic conditions. Through successful grafting for example, the showy Western Australian plants currently can resist the heavy soils common in urban centers (Core, 2005). Grafting has succeeded developing appropriate plants that fit different ecological conditions prevalent in different parts of the world. As discussed earlier, grafting conjoins two unique plants together thus resulting in the development of a unique new species. The resultant species benefits from the productive features of both the stock and the scion. In most cases, the stock always provide effective adaptive features of the root to enable the new plant survive in particular conditions while the scion provides effective foliage and flowing features that improves the productivity of the resultant plants. Precocity is a unique ability introduced only through grafting. It refers to the process of inducing productivity in plants without necessarily undergoing the juvenile stage. Introducing a scion in a stock disrupts the growth patterns of the resulting plant. Among the major advantages of the disruptions is that most of the plants bypass juvenility a period of growth and maturity in the plants. By passing the stage, the plants immediately begin producing fruits. This increases the profitability of agribusiness by shortening the time that fruit plants take before becoming fruitful. Bypassing the stage of juvenility is fundamental in agribusiness owing go the length of the duration, juvenility may last up to nine years in different plants. Bypassing the stage safeguards the quality and productivity of the plants since the new plat is likely to perform better than the two parent plants while doing so within the shortest time possible.

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