Monday, May 18, 2020

Foundations of Psychology - 747 Words

Foundations of Psychology L R Juneaux 07/24/2013 PSY/300 Psychology is one of the core studies of the human being, which include investigating of behavior and mental processes. Many processes have to happen before one can even think a single thought. A specific stimulus through sensory organs, nerve interactions, and sorting through the brain are just a few processes that occur. Psychology is one of the most complex areas of study. In this paper, I will identify the major schools of thought and examine their major underlying assumptions as well as identifying the primary biological foundations of psychology in reference to behavior. Within psychology, to better debate and mediate through theories, there were categories or†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, there is operant conditioning, which contracts behavior as learned by rewarding and punishment. Behaviorist B.F. Skinner felt internal thoughts could not explain behavior. Psychoanalysis is the next major school of thought. Created by Sigmund Freud, he believed the unconsc ious mind influences behavior. A makeup consisting of personality traits and primal instincts and urges, the complexity of these ideas created the complexity of human behaviors. Freud compelled there were three main elements of the mind. The ego was the containment of our personality traits and systems. Then there is the superego, which is the mind’s values, cultures, and beliefs that make up our behaviors. Last, the id, consisted of the primal function such as instinct and urges. Finally, there is humanistic psychology. Abraham Maslow was one of the ultimate minds to which this school of thought was arranged. Maslow felt the ideals stemming from behaviorism and psychoanalysis were incomplete in theory. He proposed that there should be a systemic way to move forward in ones life in terms of achievement and success. Therefore, Maslow created the hierchy of needs. This systemic map, if you will, contained the necessary steps and functions that a person must achieve, before movi ng to the next stage in life. He felt a personShow MoreRelatedFoundations of Psychology771 Words   |  4 PagesFoundations of Psychology Psychology is an academic and applied discipline involving the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. There is some tension between scientific psychology (with its program of empirical research) and applied psychology (dealing with a number of areas). Psychologists attempt to explain the mind and brain in the context of real life. In contrast neurologists utilize a physiological approach. Psychologists study such phenomena as perception, cognition, emotionRead MoreFoundation of Psychology773 Words   |  4 PagesFoundation of Psychology Psychology is the study of human behavior and mind. 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