Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Emergence Of Islam During The Umayyad Caliphate

The early centuries following the emergence of Islam were shrouded with numerous internal conflicts and Fitnas, particularly during the Umayyad Caliphate. With the expansion of Islam so successful, why would there be such strife among the Muslims? Possible answers lie with divisions among groups on who should rule, how he should rule and how religious doctrine was to be upheld by the amir al-muminin or â€Å"commander of the faithful.† These were prominent among all other problems of the period. The seventh and eighth centuries contain evidence demonstrating that the Muslims fought each other due to matters of revenge, caliphate succession and opposition to policy; they used tribal ethics, religious association to the prophet Muhammad and Quranic doctrine to justify such actions. The first Fitna or civil war among Muslims may have been the Battle of Camel in 656 in which Caliph Ali b. Abi Talib and his supports from Kufa faced off against Al-Zubayr b. Awwam, the prophetâ€℠¢s widow Aisha and Talha b. Ubayd Allah near Basra. The latter sought to eliminate the threat of Ali to the continuation of Quraysh rule after Uthman’s assassination. While this dissenting coalition in favor of Al-Zubayr was reactionary to Ali’s rule after Uthman’s death, it was motivated by the desire of the Quraysh to retain political control rather than avenge the late Caliph’s murder. The notion of revenge was left to the governor of Syria, Mu’awiya. He was a member of the Umayyad clan who adopted theShow MoreRelatedRise Of The Islamic Empire Essay1296 Words   |  6 Pagesreceived his â€Å"call† which is the message from God carried by the angel Gabriel to deliver the truth about God to his people. Prophet Muhammad PBUH, died in the year 632 C due to fever after that the Umma was in the hands of the Caliphate, which was then passed the Umma to the Umayyad. 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