Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Principles Of Management Western Learning -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Principles Of Management Western Learning? Answer: Introduction Atlassian is an enterprise company of software, which makes items for the developers for software, managers of project and the management of content. The corporation is best known for tracking the issues in application. The founders of the Atlassian Company are Mike Cannon Brookes and Scott Farquhar. In the year 2004, the company released a confluence, a collaborative team that permits workers to work together on the projects and as well share documents (Williams, 2013). In the year 2010, the organization raised $60 million from the Accel Partners in venture capital. In the year 2011, the company made its announcement of $102 million revenue and in the year 2015, the company announced the sales of $320 million sales. The companys bestselling product is JIRA, which is being used by more than 65,000 companies in UK, US and 170 countries. It helps people to deal with business strategies and emerge to the national market as expanded to various locations like US and worldwide. PESTLE analysis as key major issues to the country A PESTLE description looks at the different six sectors such as political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal. Economic and political transformations, which affected the Atlassian company which incorporates BREXIT and the election of Donald Trump in the year 2016. These two important political happenings caused the dollar of America to strengthen while the currencies of foreign got poorly affected. This indicated to be a bigger change for the company, as the corporation accepts the dollar of United States as the mode of payment; however, it incurred costs in the other countries where it has its operations (Williams, 2013). Social changes incorporate the trends of acceptance and inclusion of all the people. It supports as a proponent of including everything. This encourages the corporation to be positive enough as this makes the business more attractive to a greater number of consumers who supports the values of the company. The two changes can be detected in the segments of technology that affects the company Atlassian are the models based on X-as-a Service business and models (Williams, 2013). To consider these trends, many companies would develop digital products to add in their portfolio. One of the companys main targets in terms of its products is the development of the software team. Therefore, these changes would increase the potential customers of the company. The trends of environment depict the change in climate and the notion that the companies own CSR in order to reduce their impact and effect on the environment. The companies of Software follow the green rules, which are having two inputs which are significant: electricity and human for the company. In the legal segment, legal procedures can have negative effects on the company. One possibility is the laws based on cyber security. As these laws mature, the Atlassian companys delivery can be impacted by the standards of higher security. The products of the company are subjected to the laws of import and therefore, this could enhance the companys expenses. Therefore, the PESTLE analysis provided an explanation of the current and future climate of business of Atlassian. Its global marketing overspread to in Manila, Philippines; and Austin, Texas. Atlassian Pty Ltd. operates as a subsidiary of Atlassian Corporation Plc. Recommendation for entry mode Atalssian being an Australian company which is incorporated in UK and sells products mainly to the country of United States of Americas clients, also having trademarks and subsidiaries in different other countries and virtually, customers in every country. The company is born global. This results in the spreading by the development of the market as an important strategy in the markets which are emerging. Once it has decided to spread its business to the worldwide, its overseas market in several nations had its own internal strengths and weaknesses with its own opportunities and needs. As it deals with the business of its choice as mode of entry with risks and threats inherent in its own business category due to its characteristics as its online business (Griffin Pustay, 2015). It chose a few countries as overseas expansion based on state of the economy, legal system, technology developed and future liability such as time, money, and people. Its business expansion taken may resulted its overall schemes of attaining goals from each nation expanded to maximise the value of its business and profitability of the company. International Strategy of Atlassian Steps, which are taken for the international market formulation, are to first grow a mission statement. The company must set out key strategic goals in terms of formulating the international strategy. Accordingly, the company can devise tactical goals in order to draw popular attentions from the launched control framework. By using the frameworks of different strategies such as SWOT, PESTLE, PORTERS FIVE FORCES and so forth, the company can easily depict the environment, which would affect the working of the organization in the international forum. As its overseas expansion successful, it may focus on firm stable in the areas of RD, production, distribution, marketing, and financial decisions throughout UK and US in the world. It does not cost more on products produces so on forth as its new products launched. In basic approach to expansion of international marketplace, its regularity offers any potential increase of profitability through expanded demand, but its products and service s are nearly cost free to make new products (Griffin Pustay, 2015). As it is knowledge based industry, it runs its business on entering to forms of strategic alliance whether its chosen countries have various political, economic and cultural aspects of the international marketplace. Its size of competency is unreachable like other competitors do due to its unlimited resources namely knowledge base industry. Methods and strategies for the motivation and leadership on the cross cultural teams While practicing its international strategy, the company has exposed itself to the creation of more goods for the customers in the across the countries. After managing its complete international success on launching products, the managers address important components of strategic development. The company expects for a better programs while the company is working with its team (Thomas Peterson, 2017). As a leader, it is the responsibility of the manager to look after the working of the teams. To talk about cross cultural teams or the multicultural teams, they offer a number of advantages to the international firms, which incorporates deeper knowledge about the different products, which are culturally sensitive, and having work rotations based on 24 hours. However, the advantages may be surpassed in the field of problems growing from the differences in culture, which can seriously damage the effective working of the team. In this respect, the managers can cope with the challenges as a leader, which is culturally based (Janson Cusumano, 2013). According to a survey, it can be said that there are four problems can be afound while dealing with the cross cultural teams on the basis of communication, having trouble with fluency and accents, carrying a tough attitude towards authority and hierarchy, also involves the norms which affects the decision making procedures. And the conflicting norms while making decisions. It is up to the manager to direct an appropriate strategy in order to solve the problems. Manager must act as a leader to guide the teams in order to carry out their work effectively. In Atlanssia, the successful team managers are the ones who deal with the changes in multicultural dimensions through the acknowledgement of the cultural gaps, intervention made structurally and removing the team when the other options cannot succeed. In the company, the managers who interfered early and confirm the norms, the managers and teams who try to engage themselves with the team and the team can foresee the challenges growing from culture, but not the personality, succeed in solving the problems which are cultural based with creativity and good humor. The company is likely to harvest the benefits which are in the team of cross culture. The difference between management and leadership is to be worth to discuss its scrutiny about the formation of its management. It can surpass communication skills over leadership at workplace such as actions, beliefs, values and goals of the business by leaders. The leaders can empower to employees of their participation in decision making on its business. It strives to exceptionally better outcomes as compared to its competitors, then it should provide the most outstanding competence with cutting-edge technology and its supports to customers (Griffin Pustay, 2015). As its unique resources is software programs it launched, and then its product system is simple enough to draw maximum synergy. Motivation is an essential key successful task to the manager in the Atlassian w orkforce. (Griffin Pustay, 2015). Some cross-cultural motivation suggests the need job security and stability. For example, someone who has low uncertainty avoidance would work with more risky opportunities for variation at new challenges in workplace. However, high individualism suggests people who are motivated by new opportunities at work, they work with advancement and autonomy, individual recognition, rewards, and high collectivism. They are more likely to collaborate at workplace no matter of their cultural background. Multinational structure of the company The software company has a head of development under him, the assistant manager workers. Under the supervision of the assistant manager, there are product managers, software development leader, quality analysis leader and business analyst and manager of quality analysis. Under the supervision of business analyst, the analyst, programmers and testers work. As it is an international firm in UK and US, it may address a diverse issue in managing the control function effectively, the leaders should control systems and apply its techniques to persist people of their controlling with these four steps. It should define control standards, develop performance measures, compare performance and standards, and finally respond to deviations (Griffin Pustay, 2015). HR recommendations Human resource management (HRM) can be defined as the set of activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining the effective workforce necessary to achieve a businesss objectives (Griffin Pustay, 2015). Atlassian aims at designing an HRM strategy to promote its overall corporation of the business in the international environment. It increases the complexity of developing an effective HRM strategy as it has made decision by expanding its business to worldwide. HRM should provide the cross-cultural training they are required to be successful into consideration to evaluate its performance and effectiveness (Griffin Pustay, 2015). Marketing considerations Marketing is the process involving the activities across national boundaries which are applicable to international marketing (Griffin Pustay, 2015; Slack, 2015). The key executives in Atlassian joins with Goldman Sachs on its business to progress market and provide Unlockd to bring more international attention. One of the reasons why it is successfully launched is to make its direction firm by representing the best Australian technology program with the world class teamwork (Atlassian, n.d; Griffin Pustay, 2015). Conclusion Its business is exposed to some way to foreign exchange fluctuations due to source supplies from overseas. Then, it will be impacted by increasing or decreasing prices by exporting software in online business as its renown international business environment to make profits bigger in circumstances of foreign exchange risks. It has enormous number of customers in worldwide to aim at collaborating in teams and enhance work load efficient through empowered software JIRA in the aspects of marketing success and maximum gained outcomes in the areas of HRM, marketing, and international strategies achieved with good teams in UK and US. As its successful launching of the product JIRA, and it runs sustainable good outcomes in knowledge based industry such as various political, economic and cultural aspects of the international marketplace. It has mostly done outstanding result in international business management References Finley, Klint. Atlassian Challenges GitHub to a Fork Fight. Wired. Retrieved from 15 May 2013. Jansen, S., Cusumano, M. A. (2013). Defining software ecosystems: a survey of software platforms and business network governance.Software ecosystems: analyzing and managing business networks in the software industry,13. Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement (PDF).(2016) Atlassian Corporation Plc. 28 October 2016. Retrieved from 25 January 2017. Moses., Asher. (15 July 2010). From Uni dropouts to software magnates. The Sydney Morning Herald. Ricky W.G., Michael W.P. (2015). International Business a Managerial Perspective (8th ed.). England: Peason Slack, N. (2015).Operations strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Stol, K. J., Fitzgerald, B. (2014, May). Two's company, three's a crowd: a case study of crowdsourcing software development. InProceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering(pp. 187-198). ACM. Thomas, D. C., Peterson, M. F. (2017).Cross-cultural management: Essential concepts. Sage Publications. Williams, C. (2013).Principles of management. South-Western Cengage Learning.

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